
Programming language: Erlang
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
Tags: Xmpp     Communication systems     XMPP Servers    
Latest version: v4.0.1

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MongooseIM platform

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Get to know MongooseIM

MongooseIM is a robust, scalable and efficient XMPP server at the core of an Instant Messaging platform aimed at large installations.

Designed for enterprise, it is fault-tolerant, can utilise the resources of multiple clustered machines, and easily scales for more capacity by simply adding a box or a VM.

MongooseIM can accept client sessions over vanilla XMPP, REST API and SSE, as well as Websockets, and BOSH (HTTP long-polling).

As a platform, MongooseIM includes several server-side (backend) and client-side (frontend) components.

We provide a test suite, metrics, a load testing platform, and a monitoring server. We recommend third-party, open source client libraries for XMPP and REST API.

It is brought to you by Erlang Solutions.

MongooseIM platform components:

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MongooseIM documentation highlights:

When developing new features/modules, please make sure you add basic documentation to the ['doc'](doc) directory, and add a link to your document in ['mkdocs.yml'](mkdocs.yml).


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