
Programming language: Java
Tags: Content Management Systems (CMS)    
Latest version: v10.5

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This project has now been Archived

The alfresco-core, alfresco-data-model, alfresco-repository and alfresco-remote-api projects have been archived with their code incorporated into alfresco-community-repo to simply ongoing development. The same artifacts are still produced by the new project. It also has a branch used as the basis of each of ACS 6 Enterprise release. For more information, set the new project’s README.md file.

Alfresco Repository

Build Status

Repository is a library packaged as a jar file which is part of Alfresco Content Services Repository. The library contains the following:

  • DAOs and SQL scripts
  • Various Service implementations
  • Utility classes

Building and testing

The project can be built by running Maven command:

mvn clean install

The tests are combined in test classes split by test type or Spring application context used in the test, see classes in src/test/java/org/alfresco. All of these classes as well as individual tests can be run by specifying the test class name and a set of DB connection properties, for example:

mvn clean test -Dtest=SomeRepoTest -Ddb.driver=org.postgresql.Driver -Ddb.name=alfresco -Ddb.url=jdbc:postgresql:alfresco -Ddb.username=alfresco -Ddb.password=alfresco


The artifacts can be obtained by:

Contributing guide

Please use [this guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) to make a contribution to the project.