Judge0 API v1.12.0-extra Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-10-18 // over 3 years ago
  • v1.12.0-extra (2020-10-18)

    🆕 New Features

    • ➕ Added support for invalidating statistics cache using the invalidate_cache query parameter.
    • Added rake task judge0:run_in_queue to manually run submissions that might have stuck in the In Queue state.
    • Added support for specifying CALLBACKS_MAX_TRIES and CALLBACKS_TIMEOUT. This is a global configuration that applies to all submissions that have defined webhooks (HTTP callbacks).
    • Added support for submission caching to reduce the number of unnecessary database hits. Cache duration can be controlled with the SUBMISSION_CACHE_DURATION variable which is currently set to 1 second by default. Submissions are only cached for GET /submissions/<token> route. Cache files are written to the server's file system and are automatically cleared every day at midnight. This is the first step toward more serious submission caching in the future.

    👌 Improvements

    • ⚡️ Update PostgreSQL to 13.0 and Redis to 6.0.
    • ⏱ Reschedule failed jobs after 0.1 seconds with 100 attempts.
    • 👷 Send only submission ID to the worker and not the whole serialized submission.
    • Automatically restart Judge0 server without the need for Docker restart policies. Use the RESTART_MAX_TRIES variable to specify the maximum number of restart tries.

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • 🛠 Fixed a bug in the is_project method of submission model where an exception was raised and not handled properly due to unknown language.

    Other Changes

    • 🐳 Use Docker volumes for storing Postgres and Redis data instead of mounting directories. This is now the new recommended setting.
    • ➕ Added Resque Web to the development stack.
    • 📚 Changed binding ports for Nginx and documentation server in the development stack. Nginx is now bound to port 80, and the development server to port 3001.
    • ✂ Removed port bindings of Postgres and Redis in the development stack.
    • ➕ Added PgBouncer to the development stack for testing and experimenting.
    • Changed recommended values for POSTGRES_DB and POSTGRES_USER. Both are now judge0.

    🚀 Deployment Procedure

    👍 Judge0 is collecting telemetry data to help understand how to improve the product and to better understand how Judge0 is used in various production environments. Read more about telemetry here.

    🐧 Please note that Judge0 has only been tested on Linux and macOS , and might not work on Windows, thus we do not provide support for it.

    With HTTP

    🐳 1. Install Docker and Docker Compose. 🚀 2. Download and extract release archive:

    wget https://github.com/judge0/judge0/releases/download/v1.12.0-extra/judge0-v1.12.0-extra.zip
    unzip judge0-v1.12.0-extra.zip
    1. Run all services and wait a few seconds until everything is initialized:

      cd judge0-v1.12.0-extra docker-compose up -d db redis sleep 10s docker-compose up -d sleep 5s

    2. Your instance of Judge0 v1.12.0-extra is now available at http://<IP ADDRESS OF YOUR SERVER>.

    With HTTPS (SSL/TLS)

    🐳 1. Install Docker and Docker Compose. 🚀 2. Download and extract release archive:

    wget https://github.com/judge0/judge0/releases/download/v1.12.0-extra/judge0-v1.12.0-extra-https.zip
    unzip judge0-v1.12.0-extra-https.zip
    1. Change directory to judge0-v1.12.0-extra-https:

      cd judge0-v1.12.0-extra-https

    2. Edit docker-compose.yml and change variables VIRTUAL_HOST, LETSENCRYPT_HOST and LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL.

    3. Run all services and wait a few seconds until everything is initialized:

      docker-compose up -d db redis sleep 10s docker-compose up -d sleep 5s

    4. Your instance of Judge0 v1.12.0-extra is now available at https://<YOUR DOMAIN>.