Cacocloud v0.1.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-02-16 // about 9 years ago
  • 🔒 The password manager component has some security improvements like generating random numbers using OpenSLL if available and using a more secure password hashing algorithm.

    ⚡️ It is recommended to run the following cli tool to update the server key for all password:

    php cli/run\_cli.php --cli=Caco\\Password\\CLI\\ChangeServerKey -f YOUR\_OLD\_KEY -t A\_NEW\_KEY

    ⬆️ All icons gets stored in the sqlite database now, for importing the favicon files run the following script when upgrading from a previous version:

    php cli/run\_cli.php --cli=Caco\\Upgrade\\CLI\\From2To3

Previous changes from v0.1.0

  • The installer works now with relative paths, which allows using the installer in environments where the public/ folder is not the document root.