
Programming language: Go
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 only
Tags: Communication systems     Custom    
Latest version: v1.2

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Cherry Go Report Card

Cherry is a webchat engine wrote in Golang. It brings the main functionalities that you need in a webchat server.

With this application you are able to serve a bunch of rooms from your machine just editing a configuration file in a specific language. So if you are interested you should read the documentation to learn how to master it.

Now SSL connections are supported.

How to build it?

You can use the standard go build or you can use Hefesto.

Using go build

You need to setup your GOPATH to the project root. Supposing that cherry repo was cloned under /home/doctor/web/git-hub/rafael-santiago/cherry just add this path to your GOPATH.

Run go build from inside the src subdirectory.

Using hefesto

After following all steps to put Hefesto to work on your system just move to src subdirectory and invoke Hefesto from inside. Something like:

doctor@TARDIS:~/web/git-hub/rafael-santiago/cherry/src# hefesto

If all worked a cherry binary was created under ../bin/ and

All done.

Here you do not need to worry about GOPATH issues because Hefesto's script handles it for you on each build task that you invoke (if needed).

How to run it?

This application works based on a configuration file (again: documentation).

You specify this configuration using the option --config:

doctor@TARDIS:~/web/git-hub/rafael-santiago/cherry/bin# ./cherry --config=gallifrey-lounge.cherry

Supposing that TARDIS has the IP address and Gallifrey lounge opens only one room at the port 1008. Doctor should access the entrace form served at:

That's all.