DebOps v2.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-01-30 // about 4 years ago
  • .. _debops v2.0.0:

    βž• Added

    πŸ†• New DebOps roles
    - πŸ— The :ref:`debops.lxd` role brings support for LXD on Debian hosts by building
      the Go binaries from source, without Snap installation.
    - πŸ“¦ The DebOps Python package now includes the ``debops.<role>(5)`` manual pages
      for most of the DebOps roles with  details about role usage, variable
      definition and the like. The manual pages are based on the existing role
    - The DebOps project directories can now include the
      :file:`ansible/global-vars.yml` file which can be used to define :ref:`global
      Ansible variables <global_vars>` that can affect playbook initialization.
    🐳 :ref:`debops.docker_registry` role
    - The :envvar:`docker_registry__basic_auth_except_get` variable allows to setup
      a simple authentication schema without the need to deploy a fully blown
      Docker Registry Token Authentication.
    🐳 :ref:`debops.docker_server` role
    - Add `docker_server__install_virtualenv` setting to disable python virtualenv installation.
    :ref:`debops.gitlab_runner` role
    - The role can now use DNS SRV resource records to find the GitLab API host
      address. Additionally, GitLab Runner token can be stored in the
      :file:`secret/` directory in a predetermined location to avoid exposing it
      via the Ansible inventory. See the role documentation for details.
    :ref:`debops.icinga` role
    - πŸ”§ The role now configures the Icinga REST API to also listen on IPv6 addresses.
      It is possible to change the listen address and port through the
      ``icinga__api_listen`` and ``icinga__api_port`` variables.
    :ref:`debops.nslcd` role
    - 0️⃣ The role will now use a LDAP host filter by default, to allow for easy
      control over what UNIX accounts and UNIX groups are present on which hosts
      using the ``host`` LDAP attribute.
    :ref:`debops.postgresql_server` role
    - πŸ”§ A given PostgreSQL server cluster can be configured to enable `standby
      replication mode`__, and receive streaming replication data from a master
      PostgreSQL server. See role documentation for examples.
      .. __:
    - πŸ”§ The :command:`autopostgresqlbackup` script can be configured to tell the
      :command:`pg_dump` command to compress the generated backup files on the fly
      instead of creating a separate ``.sql`` file and compressing it afterwards.
      This mode is currently disabled by default.
    :ref:`debops.resolvconf` role
    - πŸ”§ The role can now define static DNS configuration to be merged with other DNS
      data sources in the :file:`/etc/resolv.conf` configuration file.
    :ref:`debops.roundcube` role
    - The Roundcube installation is now more integrated with the DebOps
      environment. The role will automatically configure :ref:`Redis
      <debops.redis_server>` and :ref:`memcached <debops.memcached>` support if
      they are detected on the Roundcube host, which should improve application
    - πŸ”§ If LDAP infrastructure is detected on the host, Roundcube will be configured
      to use the LDAP directory managed by DebOps as an address book.
    - 0️⃣ The ManageSieve Roundcube plugin will be enabled by default to allow
      configuration of Sieve filter scripts. The role will use the DNS SRV resource
      records to find the Sieve service host and port to use.
    - The role can now use PostgreSQL as a database backend. The database server
      can be managed with the :ref:`debops.postgresql_server` role.
    :ref:`debops.slapd` role
    - The :ref:`mailservice <slapd__ref_mailservice>` LDAP schema has been added to
      the :ref:`debops.slapd` role. It provides a set of object classes and
      attributes useful for defining e-mail recipients and simple mail distribution
      lists in the LDAP directory.
    πŸ”„ Changed

    General '''''''

    • Reorder :file:bootstrap.yml Ansible playbook to also work for systems freshly installed from CD. :ref:debops.apt needs to be run early to regenerate :file:/etc/apt/sources.list which might still contain a now not functional CD entry.

    • 🚚 Most of the role dependencies have been moved either to the playbooks or to the role task lists using the import_role Ansible module.

    • The official DebOps roles have been renamed and the debops. prefix has been dropped from the directory names to better support Ansible Collections. Custom playbooks and role dependencies which use the DebOps roles have to be updated to work again.

    • The :file:<role_name>/env "sub-roles" in various DebOps roles have been redesigned for use via the import_role Ansible module to improve support for Ansible Collections. Existing Ansible playbooks that use such "sub-roles" will have to be updated; check the playbooks included in DebOps for the new usage examples.

    • πŸ‘ The collections: keyword was added in all DebOps playbooks to support usage with roles, modules and other plugins in an Ansible Collection. Due to this, Ansible 2.8+ is required to use DebOps playbooks.

    • The paths to the passwords stored in the :file:secret/ directory by various roles have been changed to use the inventory_hostname variable instead of the ansible_fqdn variable. This change will result in passwords set in various services to be regenerated, which might have an impact on service availability. See :ref:upgrade_notes for details.

    ⚑️ Updates of upstream application versions ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • The RoundCube version installed by the :ref:debops.roundcube role has been updated to the 1.4.1 release__, which includes a new "Elastic" theme compatible with mobile devices, and other improvements.

    .. __:

    • ⚑️ The Nextcloud version installed by the :ref:debops.owncloud role is updated to Nextcloud 16.0 release. The ownCloud version has been updated to 10.3.

    • The Icinga Director version installed by the :ref:debops.icinga_web role has been updated to the v1.7.2 release. Notable changes in v1.7.x__ are new German and Japanese translations, side-by-side sync previews, a new background daemon to replace the job runner and new module dependencies. Other Icinga Web modules have also been updated to their latest versions.

    .. __:

    LDAP ''''

    • The authorizedService and host LDAP attribute values used for access control in various DebOps roles and the :file:ldap/init-directory.yml playbook have been updated and made consistent with the :ref:ldap__ref_ldap_access documentation. You need to update the LDAP entries that use them before applying these changes on the hosts managed by DebOps. See :ref:upgrade_notes for detailed list of changed values.

    Mail Transport Agents '''''''''''''''''''''

    • The :envvar:nullmailer__mailname and the :envvar:postfix__mailname variables will use the host's FQDN address instead of the DNS domain as the mailname. This was done to not include the hostnames in the e-mail addresses, however this is better handled by Postfix domain masquerading done on the mail relay host, which allows for exceptions, supports multiple DNS domains and does not break mail delivery in subtle ways. See the :ref:debops.nullmailer role documentation for an example configuration.

    🐳 :ref:debops.docker_server role ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • Replace the deprecated docker_server__graph variable with the :envvar:docker_server__data_root variable.

    :ref:debops.dovecot role ''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • πŸ‘ The role gained support for mail accounts stored in the LDAP directory, based on the :ref:DebOps LDAP infrastructure <debops.ldap>. When the LDAP environment is detected on the host, the LDAP support will be enabled automatically, and mail accounts based on POSIX accounts will be disabled.

    • 0️⃣ The default mailbox format used by Dovecot has been changed from mbox to Maildir; the user mailboxes will be stored by default in the :file:~/Maildir/ subdirectory of a given user account. On existing installations, the mailboxes might need to be converted and moved manually.

    • 0️⃣ Dovecot will use the host DNS domain as the default SASL realm when users will not specify their domain in their login username.

    • πŸ‘ The role should better integrate with the :ref:DebOps PKI environment <debops.pki> and gracefully disable TLS support when it has not been configured.

    • πŸ”§ The firewall configuration has been redesigned and the :ref:debops.dovecot role no longer generates the :command:ferm configuration files directly, instead using the :ref:debops.ferm role as a dependency.

    • βž• Add option to enable ManageSieve by default without the need to update the config_maps, to allow configuration of Sieve filter scripts.

    • Restored :envvar:dovecot__mail_location to original value of maildir:~/Maildir. It was wrongfully changed to /var/vmail/%d/%n/mailbox if LDAP was enabled. See also :envvar:dovecot__vmail_home.

    • πŸ”§ If the LDAP support is enabled, the role will no longer configure Postfix via the :ref:debops.postfix role to deliver local mail via Dovecot LMTP service; this breaks mail delivery to local UNIX accounts (for example root) which might not have corresponding aliases in the virtual mail database. Instead, virtual_transport option will be configured to pass mail via LMTP to Dovecot, which then will deliver it to the virtual mailboxes in :file:/var/vmail/ subdirectories.

    :ref:debops.icinga_web role '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • πŸ‘· The icinga2-director-jobs.service systemd service has been replaced with icinga-director.service. This service manages a new daemon that is required for Icinga Director v1.7.0+.

    :ref:debops.memcached role ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • All variables in the role have been renamed from memcached_* to memcached__* to create the role namespace. You need to update the inventory accordingly.

    :ref:debops.nullmailer role '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • The upstream SMTP relay will be detected automatically using DNS SRV resource records, if they are defined.

    :ref:debops.owncloud role '''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • ⬆️ Drop Nextcloud 15 support because it is EOL. You need to upgrade Nextcloud manually if you are running version 15 or below. The role now defaults to Nextcloud 16 for new installations.

    :ref:debops.postconf role '''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • If both :ref:Dovecot <debops.dovecot> and :ref:Cyrus <debops.saslauthd> services are installed on a host, Postfix will be configured to prefer Cyrus for SASL authentication. This permits mail relay via the authenticated :ref:nullmailer <debops.nullmailer> Mail Transfer Agents with accounts in the LDAP directory. The preference can be changed using the :envvar:postconf__sasl_auth_method variable.

    :ref:debops.roundcube role ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    • The variable that defines the FQDN address of the RoundCube installation has been changed from :envvar:roundcube__domain to :envvar:roundcube__fqdn. The default subdomain has also been changed from roundcube to webmail to offer a more widely used name for the application.

    • 0️⃣ The default RoundCube installation path defined in the :envvar:roundcube__git_dest variable has been changed and no longer uses the web application FQDN. This should make changing the web application address independent from the installation directory.

    Due to this change, existing installations will be re-installed in the new deployment path. Checking the changes in a development environment is recommended before deploying them in production environment.

    • The role will use DNS SRV resource records to find the IMAP and/or SMTP (submission) services to use in the RoundCube Webmail configuration, with a fallback to static subdomains. See :ref:roundcube__ref_srv_records for more details.

    • RoundCube will use the user login and password credentials to authenticate to the SMTP (submission) service before sending e-mail messages. This allows the SMTP server to check the message details, block mail with forged sender address, etc. The default configuration uses encrypted connections to the IMAP and SMTP services to ensure confidentiality and security.

    • πŸ‘‰ User logins that don't specify a domain will have the host domain automatically appended to them during authentication. This solves an issue where use of logins with or without domain for authentication would result in separate RoundCube profiles created in the database.

    • πŸ”§ The Roundcube configuration has been redesigned and now uses the custom Ansible filter plugins to generate the :file:config/ configuration file. The format of the configuration variables has been changed, you will need to update the Ansible inventory. See :ref:roundcube__ref_configuration for more details.

    • Roundcube installation tasks have been cleaned up and the old method of keeping track of the :command:git checkout is replaced by new functionality of the git Ansible module. This requires full reinstallation of Roundcube application; see :ref:upgrade_notes for more details.

    • πŸ‘Œ Support for Roundcube plugins has been redesigned and now uses custom Ansible filters included in DebOps to manage plugins. The role can install plugins from the Roundcube plugin repository and manage their configuration files. A :envvar:set of default plugins <roundcube__default_plugins> has been defined to make the default Roundcube installation a bit more user-friendly.

    :ref:debops.ntp role ''''''''''''''''''''''

    • Chrony will not listen on udp control port on loopback anymore. Unix sockets are a better way for chronyc to talk to chronyd where local access is controlled by file permissions. This is suggested in the Chrony FAQ "How can I make chronyd more secure?".

    • Chrony: Support :envvar:ntp__listen value * to make transitioning away from ntpd easier.

    • 0️⃣ Chrony: Reduce default NTP servers considered as time source from 4 pool addresses (from which Chrony used 4 NTP servers each – 16 in total) to just 1 pool address – 4 NTP time sources in total.

    βœ‚ Removed

    - Old ``[debops_<role_name>]`` Ansible inventory groups have been removed from
      DebOps playbooks. Users should use the ``[debops_service_<role_name>]``
      group names instead.
    πŸ›  Fixed
    🐳 :ref:`debops.docker_server` role
    - Do not add empty entries from `docker_server__listen` to daemon.json.
      This causes the docker daemon to not parse the config and crash.
    :ref:`debops.ferm` role
    - πŸ”§ The ``dmz`` firewall configuration will now not interpret the port as part of
      a IPv6 address anymore. We now protect the IPv6 address by surrounding it by
    :ref:`debops.gitlab_runner` role
    - πŸ›  Fix issue with GitLab Runner failing test jobs due to the default
      :file:`~/.bash_logout` script wiping the terminal on logout. The role will
      skip copying the :file:`/etc/skel/` contents on the new installations;
      existing script will be removed.
    :ref:`debops.nullmailer` role
    - Again, redirect the e-mail messages for local recipients to the central
      ``root`` e-mail account (but local to the SMTP relay). This fixes an issue
      where e-mail messages were left in the mail queue and filled the disk space.
    :ref:`debops.php` role
    - πŸ”„ Change the default list of preferred PHP versions to include PHP 7.3 as the
      preferred version. This should ensure that on hosts with the OndΕ™ej SurΓ½ PHP
      repositories enabled, PHP 7.3 will be installed by default even though newer
      versions are available. This should solve installation issues with many PHP
      applications that don't have full support for PHP 7.4+ release yet.