Docspell v0.10.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-08-14 // over 3 years ago
  • Aug 15, 2020

    • πŸ’» Lots of web ui improvements:
      • Rework the search menu for tags and folders: The dropdown field is removed for tags and folders. They are represented as a list and items can be cycled through to be included/excluded or deselected. It is possible to use drag-and-drop to associate tags to items and put items into folders.
      • Rework page that displays sources; allow to copy the urls and add a qr code
      • Add item notes to the cards in the list view, can be configured if it is shown or not (#186, #201)
      • Improve how the item notes are displayed in the item detail view (#186, #192)
      • Fix the Load more… button
      • Allow to search by tag categories (#203)
      • Allow to edit metadata in item detail view. Until now it was only possible to add new metadata (#205)
      • Do not cover the whole screen with the metadata modal dialog, only the menu is now covered so that it is possible to select text from the document (#205)
      • Allow to hide some fields from the menus. What fields to display can be configured in the ui settings (#195)
    • Implemented some routes that were specified in the openapi, but have not been implemented so far
    • πŸ›  Fix source upload routes where it didn't check whether a source is enabled or not. Further checks are now done as first step to not upload the file into memory for nothing if something fails (e.g. the source doesn't exist)
    • Re-process files. A route has been added that submits files for re-processing. It is possible to re-process some files of an item or all. There is no UI for this for now. You'd need to run curl or something manually to trigger it. It will replace all extracted metadata of the files,but doesn't touch the metadata of the item. (#206)
    • βž• Add a task to convert all pdfs using the OCRMyPdf tool that can be used in docspell since the last release. This task converts all your existing PDFs into a PDF/A type pdf including the OCR-ed text layer. There is no UI to trigger this task, but a script is provided to help with it. (#206)
    • There is now an Android Client App to conveniently upload files from your android devices

    πŸ”§ Configuration Changes

    • πŸ†• New setting docspell.server.max-note-length to specify how much of the item notes should be transeferred with each search result.

    REST Api Changes

    • βž• Added /sec/collective/tagcloud to return all used tags of a collective. This is the same as returned from the insights route, but without all the other data.
    • βž• Added /sec/item/convertallpdfs to trigger a task for converting all currently unconverted pdfs
    • βž• Added /sec/item/{id}/taglink for associating tags given by name or id
    • βž• Added /sec/item/{id}/tagtoggle for toggling tags given by name or id
    • βž• Added /sec/item/{id}/reprocess for submitting an item for being re-processed