Hasura v2.0.6 Release Notes

    • 👍 server: Add support for inherited roles for mutations, remote schema, actions and custom function permissions
    • server: fix an issue with remote relationships when join columns are aliased (close #7180)
    • server: fix for incorrect __typename value in nested remote joins with a customized remote schema
    • 0️⃣ server: fix a bug where some unicode characters in default string values for fields in remote schemas could lead to internal errors
    • server: bigquery: implement _in and _nin operators. (close #7343)
    • ✅ server: bigquery: custom root names, table names and field names for bigquery are included in tests
    • console: fix untracked foreign-key relationships suggestion across schemas
    • console: allow resolution of conflicting inherited role permissions
    • cli: fix SDL formatting in actions.graphql(#7296)