
Programming language: JavaScript
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Tags: Note-taking & Editors    
Latest version: v2.2.0

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CodiMD lets you collaborate in real-time with markdown. Built on HackMD source code, CodiMD lets you host and control your team's content with speed and ease.


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Table of Contents

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HackMD helps developers write better documents and build active communities with open collaboration. HackMD is built with one promise - You own and control all your content:

CodiMD - The Open Source HackMD

CodiMD is the free software version of HackMD, developed and opened source by the HackMD team with reduced features (without book mode), you can use CodiMD for your community and own all your data. (See the origin of the name CodiMD.)

CodiMD is perfect for open communities, while HackMD emphasizes on permission and access controls for commercial use cases.

HackMD team is committed to keep CodiMD open source. All contributions are welcome!


You would find all documentation here: CodiMD Documentation


If you want to spin up an instance and start using immediately, see Docker deployment. If you want to contribute to the project, start with manual deployment.


CodiMD is highly customizable, learn about all configuration options of networking, security, performance, resources, privilege, privacy, image storage, and authentication in CodiMD Configuration.

Upgrading and Migration

Upgrade CodiMD from previous version? See this guide Migrating from Etherpad? Follow this guide


Join our contributor community! Start from deploying CodiMD manually, connecting to your own database, learn about the project structure, to build your changes with the help of webpack.

Contribution and Discussion

All contributions are welcome! Even asking a question helps.

Project Contribution Types Contribution Venue
CodiMD :couple: Community chat Gitter
:bug: Issues, bugs, and feature requests Issue tracker
:books: Improve documentation Documentations
:pencil: Translation POEditor
:coffee: Donation Buy us coffee
HackMD :question: Issues related to HackMD Issue tracker
:pencil2: Translation hackmd-locales

Browser Support

CodiMD is a service that runs on Node.js, while users use the service through browsers. We support your users using the following browsers:

  • Chrome >= 47, Chrome for Android >= 47
  • Safari >= 9, iOS Safari >= 8.4
  • Firefox >= 44
  • IE >= 9, Edge >= 12
  • Opera >= 34, Opera Mini not supported
  • Android Browser >= 4.4

To stay up to date with your installation it's recommended to subscribe the release feed.


License under AGPL.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the HackMD README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.