Kirby v3.3.0-rc.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-10-22 // over 4 years ago
  • πŸ†• New features

    πŸ‘€ See all unsaved changes

    πŸ‘€ When you edit pages, files or user accounts, you will now see a new "unsaved changes" icon in the topbar. The overview of unsaved changes makes it a lot easier to keep track of content that is still work-in-progress. #1979


    πŸ†• New icons

    We added a set of new icons that have been requested by our users and that we consider "essential". #2209


    The following new icons are now available:

    - bell
    - book
    - bookmark
    - box
    - bug
    - car
    - cart
    - chart
    - chat
    - credit-card
    - folder
    - heart
    - home
    - layers
    - linkedin
    - map
    - question
    - star
    - strikethrough
    - underline
    - vimeo
    - whatsapp
    - wheelchair
    - youtube

    πŸ†• New toggle field preview

    Toggle fields in structures come now with a great new preview and are even usable right from the structure overview #2126


    πŸ”§ Language-specific Smartypants configuration

    πŸ”§ You can now change the Smartypants configuration for quotes and other typographical details, based on the current language. #2037

    \<?php// /site/languages/de.phpreturn ['code' =\> 'de','direction' =\> 'ltr','locale' =\> 'de\_DE''name' =\> 'Deutsch','smartypants' =\> ['' =\> 'β€ž','doublequote.close' =\> 'β€œ',]];

    πŸ†• New ErrorPageException

    πŸ”Œ With the new ErrorPageException you can stop your code in your controllers, templates or plugins immediately and render the error page instead of the current page. This makes reacting to fatal errors a lot easier. #1887

    Here's a controller example:

    return function ($page) {$filters = ['latest', 'featured', 'deprecated'];if (in\_array(param('filter'), $filters)) {throw new ErrorPageException('The filter is not accepted'); }return ['filter' =\> $filter];};

    Search and pagination in files, users, and pages fields

    πŸ”Š You can finally search and paginate pages, files and users in the dialogs of the users, files and pages fields. #2208


    πŸ†• New subpages option for the pages field

    You can now enable or disable subpage navigation in the pages field with the new subpages option

    fields: related: type: pagesquery: site.find("blog").childrensubpages: false

    πŸ”Œ CSS variables for plugin developers

    πŸ”Œ We are introducing the first set of css variables for plugin developers. This will make it a lot easier to follow Kirby's panel design by using the right colors, font sizes, etc. The following variables are now available.

    / **Colors** /
    / **Font families** /
    / **Font sizes** /
    / **Shadows** /

    πŸ†• New ready callback

    It is now possible to register last-minute options with a new ready callback. This callback is executed when Kirby's instance is ready to be fully used and you can use all roots, urls and other stuff from Kirby to set additional options accordingly. #1724

    \<?php // site/config/config.phpreturn ['ready' =\> function ($kirby) {return ['db' =\> ['database' =\> $kirby-\>root('site') . '/db/database.sqlite','type' =\> 'sqlite'] ]; }];

    Extendable dump() helper

    You can now overwrite our dumper with your own implementation or an implementation from a framework

    Kirby::plugin('my/dumper', ['components' =\> ['dump' =\> function ($kirby, $variable, bool $echo = true) {// dump that var }]]);


    You can use the new when() method for any collection to simplify your code when filtering or sorting items massively getkirby/ideas#349

    $size= get('size');$color = get('color');$price = get('price')$products = $page-\>children()-\>when($size, function ($size) {return $this-\>filterBy('size', $size); })-\>when($color, function ($color) {return $this-\>filterBy('color', $color); })-\>when($price, function ($price) {return $this-\>filter(function ($child) use ($price) {return $child-\>price()-\>toFloat() \<= $price; }); });

    $library and $helper

    πŸ”Œ All plugin developers now have full access to the helpers and libraries that we use in the panel with the new $library and $helper objects in Vue.js. #1846

    Here's an example of how to use our slug helper inside a Vue component:

    const slug = this.$helper.slug("MΓΆtorhead rulez!!");

    The following helpers and libraries are available:

    // helpersthis.$helper.clonethis.$helper.isUploadEventthis.$helper.debouncethis.$helper.padthis.$helper.ratiothis.$helper.slugthis.$helper.sortthis.$helper.string.ucfirstthis.$helper.string.lcfirstthis.$helper.upload// librariesthis.$library.autosizethis.$library.dayjs

    πŸ†• New hooks

    πŸ”Œ The following new hooks are now available for your plugins getkirby/ideas#350, getkirby/ideas#23

    - system.loadPlugins:after
    - user.login:before
    - user.login:after
    - user.logout:before
    - user.logout:after

    βž• Additional new features

    • You can now search by username in the global search
    • Collection::intersection() and Collection::intersects() getkirby/ideas#214
    • πŸ†• New $pages->notTemplate() method
    • πŸ†• New Visitor::preferredMimeType() method
    • πŸ†• New Visitor::prefersJson() method
    • πŸ†• New Mime::matches() method
    • πŸ†• New ::panelOptions method for all models (Page, User, File) #1951
    • πŸ†• New flip option for pages and files sections getkirby/ideas#97
    • πŸ†• New $field->inline() method
    • πŸ†• New $field->nl2br() method
    • πŸ†• New $kirby->nonce() which can be used in custom CSP settings
    • The svg helper now accepts Kirby’s File objects

    πŸ’₯ Breaking changes

    • 0️⃣ The pagination object is now immutable and all setters are disabled by default #1887
    • πŸ”¨ The Vuex form store module in the panel has been refactored and is now called content. If your panel plugin works with the form store module, please check out the refactored module. Conversion won't be difficult. We made lots of thinks a lot cleaner. But you need to rename the actions or getters that you use from the old module.
    • The v-tab directive is no longer available. Tabbable elements should now use the tab mixin

    πŸ—„ Deprecated methods

    • 🌐 The deprecated $kirby->root('translations') root is no longer available. Use $kirby->root('i18n:translations') instead

    πŸ—„ We've also added deprecation warnings to additional core methods. You will run into an exception if the debug mode is active. You can keep those methods for now in production (with disabled debug mode), but we recommend to convert them as soon as possible. Here are the deprecated methods and how to replace them:

    • File::meta (use File::content instead)
    • File::rename (use File::changeName instead)
    • 0️⃣ Languages::findDefault (use Languages::default() instead)
    • Page::hasInvisibleChildren (use Page::hasUnlistedChildren instead)
    • Page::hasNextInvisible (use Page::hasNextUnlisted instead)
    • Page::hasNextVisible (use Page::hasNextListed instead)
    • Page::hasPrevInvisible (use Page::hasPrevUnlisted instead)
    • Page::hasPrevVisible (use Page::hasPrevListed instead)
    • Page::hasVisibleChildren (use Page::hasListedChildren instead)
    • Page::nextInvisible (use Page::nextUnlisted instead)
    • Page::nextVisible (use Page::nextListed instead)
    • Page::prevInvisible (use Page::prevUnlisted instead)
    • Page::prevVisible (use Page::prevListed instead)
    • Page::isInvisible (use Page::isUnlisted instead)
    • Page::isVisible (use Page::isListed instead)
    • Site::hasInvisibleChildren (use Site::hasUnlistedChildren instead)
    • Site::hasVisibleChildren (use Site::hasListedChildren instead)

    ✨ Enhancements

    A11y and keyboard navigation

    • ⬇️ Dropdowns now automatically close when you navigate outside with the tab key
    • The multiselect field can now be focused correctly with the tab key
    • The dropdown in the multiselect field no longer jumps to the top when you select an item
    • The multiselect field can now be correctly opened via space or enter keys #2187
    • Tab navigation in fields is now prevented when the form is locked #2204
    • The Ctrl key can now be used as meta key for textarea shortcuts #2113
    • πŸ‘Œ Improved a11y of the page status title in list items and cards #566
    • πŸ‘ Better link highlighting on tab
    • πŸ‘ Better keyboard navigation in pagination dropdown
    • πŸ”¨ Refactored button component to use button, link or span (disabled buttons) when appropriate #566

    πŸ‘‰ User experience

    • The global search now automatically searches for users, when you are in the user area of the panel
    • 🚚 We removed the name field from the installer to set the focus on the importance of the email address #1802
    • πŸ”— Links in field help text can now be clicked, even if the field is disabled #2170
    • We've added a bigger margin to all dropdowns to avoid annoying overlaps with the bottom bar and other elements at the bottom #1563
    • Decimals are now always correctly displayed when leaving the number field #1748
    • πŸ–¨ The dialog to create new pages now shows the order of templates in the way specified in the blueprint #2161
    • The login no longer shakes on errors, but displays a more traditional alert with a error message #2161
    • Sections, structure and picker fields now show the same red border when they are invalid #1581
    • When a page, file or user is locked, the bottom bar now features a new activity indicator when the changes cannot be unlocked yet #2195

    Developer experience

    • πŸ”¨ We've refactored the entire content store module for Vuex to provide easier access to all content changes #1866
    • πŸ‘ Doc block enhancements for better IDE support
    • 0️⃣ We've added the idea folder to the default .gitignore for users who use JetBrains editors
    • πŸ–¨ Infer section type from name in blueprints getkirby/ideas#120
    • When collection pagination is used in the frontend with a page number that exceeds the number of pages, the error page is now rendered automatically. #1887
    • The users field no longer stores email address, but the user id. This change is fully backwards compatible. The user field will work with old email entries and overwrite them once you save again. #1885
    • We've added localhost support and removed 127...* ip restrictions in the V::url() validator #2130
    • πŸ‘» $pages->add() now throws an exception when you try to add invalid objects #1890
    • The max length of Str::slug() is now restricted to 128 characters and added a new $maxlength argument

    API enhancements

    • The API now respects locale settings on single-lang site
    • πŸ”’ The options Api requests for pages, users and files now respect the lock state of the model and skip the right options that should not be usable.

    🌐 Translations

    • The pagination page label in the panel is now translatable #2194
    • The title attribute for required fields and sections is now translatable #2227

    🐎 Performance

    • 🐎 The status dialog for pages now only loads siblings if necessary to increase the performance #2052

    πŸ›  Fixes

    • Languages can now use their own domains again. This has been a big annoying regression from v2 #1382
    • πŸ›  Fixed bugs in slug generation with custom rules #2138
    • πŸ›  Fixed reactivity for all k-input $props and $attrs #2181
    • Youtube and Vimeo options are now passed correctly to the iframe when using the vimeo() and youtube() helpers #2118
    • βœ‚ Removed unused text attribute from image kirbytag #2136
    • The correct error messages are now shown when exceptions are thrown in hooks #2155
    • 0️⃣ The default order for files is now fixed and respects the sorting number and filename #1675
    • πŸ”’ The email placeholder in lock notification is now correctly replaced with the actual email address #2134
    • The same characters are now allowed when renaming or uploading files #2164
    • πŸ›  File sorting is now fixed in MS Edge #1973
    • πŸ›  Fixed "Replace" and "Open" menu items for files and pages in Safari #1951
    • ⚑️ The internal cache for translations is now correctly flushed in Site and Page classes after updates #2189
    • Form errors now show details #2202
    • πŸ‘Œ Improved Collection::_unset() which solves a lot of problems of deleting collection items in a loop #1232
    • Don’t show create button in pages section when create option is set to false
    • πŸ‘» HTML in field and section exception messages can no longer propagate through the API to the panel

    Code/Project Quality

    • πŸ›  We now use PHPStan to check for typical code issues. The first fixes have already been made
    • ⚑️ We've optimized our Travis setup, which now runs in under 2 minutes.
    • βœ… We've added the first set of unit tests for our Vuex store modules
    • βœ… We now test PHP 7.4 on Travis