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313 days
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1824 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v3.0.0 Changes

    April 22, 2019

    📚 The complete LibreTime documentation is available at

    🚀 The full tarball for the 3.0.0-alpha.7 release of LibreTime is available here.

    🚀 Since this is an alpha release there will be bugs in the code. Please report new issues and/or feature requests in the issue tracker. Join our discourse if you need help and for general discussion.

    Table of Contents

    • 🔋 Features
    • 🛠 Bugfixes
    • 🗄 Deprecated Features
    • Contributors
    • Installation
    • ⚡️ Updating
    • 🗄 Deprecation Announcement for Debian 8 (Jessie)
    • Known Issues
      • Installer Issues
      • Media-Monitor config needs manual removing
      • Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information
      • Liquidsoap support
      • No watched folder support
      • No Line In recording support
      • Playout wont work if locale is missing
      • Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🔋 Features

    • 0️⃣ Set default focus to search field on library page.
    • PHP 7.2 and 7.3 compatibility (for Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver) and other modern distros)
    • 📇 "Podcast Album Override" is now "Podcast Metadata Override " and additionally overrides the track title with the title from the RSS feed. The artist field is set to the podcast name in LibreTime.
    • 👍 Allowed users to customize the title of podcasts
    • 0️⃣ Disabled the creation of smartblocks and playlists for new podcasts by default and added a generate button under the edit podcast tab
    • 👍 Better libvirt integration in Vagrant setup.
    • 👍 Debian 11 (Buster) support
    • ➕ Add columns for uploaded and genre to default library view, sorts it by uploaded and removes album column by default
    • ➕ Add more details to the information returned by the API onAirLightAction call
    • ⚡️ Update Spanish translations
    • 👍 Allow admins to edit the owner of a track
    • ➕ Added system-wide intro and outro playlists for autoloading playlists
    • ➕ Added show-source info to live-info-v2 API
    • 📚 Update much of the documentation
    • 👍 Allow program managers to view listeners statistics

    🛠 Bugfixes

    • 🛠 Fix DOS line-endings in vendorized PHP dependencies for packaging.
    • 🛠 Fix overlapping show names if show does not fit in calendar.
    • Fall back to treating file as MP3 if it isn't recognized by mutagen.
    • ✂ Remove defunct support-setting page.
    • ✂ Remove legacy AAC code, fix AAC support for SHOUTcast.
    • Display Settings menu for all users.
    • 👉 Make "Time Remaining" Smartblock work in Playlist.
    • 🛠 Fix non-audio enclosure crash when importing badly formed podcast feeds
    • 🛠 Fix flac files not playing out
    • 🛠 Fix 500 error when making API call onAirLightAction
    • 🛠 Fix warning message shown in schedule API call
    • 🛠 Fix bug where many empty playlists were created when using autoloading
    • Passed show variable to smartblocks loaded via playlist to fix time remaining smartblocks with autoloading playlists.
    • ⏪ Restore top right user setting link and logout link to UI
    • 🛠 Fix an unnecessary type conversion to seconds that caused errors with PHP 7.2
    • 🛠 Fix import errors on podcast episodes with long descriptions
    • 🛠 Fix issue with multiple time remaining smartblocks in a single playlist not detecting remaining time correctly
    • 🛠 Fix occasional empty administration page due to null previous file reference

    🗄 Deprecated Features

    • 👀 We are beginning to phase out support for Debian 8 (Jessie). See the announcement for more details.


    🚀 The LibreTime project wants to thank the following contributors for adding PRs to this release: @robbt @frecuencialibre @detobate @greenjon @xabispacebiker @mikeopensauce @paddatrapper @hairmare @ryanrain


    📄 The main installation docs may be found at They describe a "developer" install using the bundled install script.

    🚀 We are preparing packages for supported distros and you can take those for a spin if you would like to. Usually the packages get built pretty soon after a release is published. If the current version is not available from the below sources you should wait for a while until they get uploaded.

    ⚡️ Please reference these links for further information on how to install from packages. The install docs will get updated to show how to install packages once we have validated that the packages work properly and when the packages are available from a repository allowing you to automate updating to a new version.

    ⚡️ Updating

    ⚡️ See the docs for complete information on updating. Please ensure that you have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating.
    ⚡️ If the update does not go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure broadcast continuity.

    🌐 If you installed from GitHub you can git pull in your local working copy and re-run the ./install script with the same --web-root and --web-user arguments you used during the initial install. Tarball users can leave out the git pull part and just call the new version of the install script.

    ⚡️ Updating from 3.0.0-alpha, 3.0.0-alpha.1 and, 3.0.0-alpha.2

    🔧 The configuration file structure has changed. Please move the contents of the /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini files into the main /etc/airtime/airtime.conf. In all known cases you need to add the following section to the file.


    🚚 You can then remove the files and the symlink.

    rm /etc/airtime/cloud\_storage.conf \ /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini \ /etc/airtime/production

    🚚 While you're at you may also want to remove the amazon_s3 section if it was in any of the files.

    Analyzer grabs all the needed info from the main airtime.conf file starting with 3.0.0-alpha.7.

    🗄 Deprecation Announcement for Debian 8 (Jessie)

    👍 Up until 3.0.0-alpha.7 Debian 8 (Jessie) was in the list of supported distros.

    🚀 Given that Debian 9 (Stretch) is now available and Jessie is EOL since June 2018 LibreTime has to update its support matrix. This info is in the release notes as an early warning since we are deprecating a major os version with an upcoming release.

    Known Issues

    ↪ The following issues may need a workaround for the time being. Please search the issues before reporting problems not listed below.

    Installer Issues

    📦 The installer is generally a bit unstable, we hope to be able to offer some reasonable packages at some point. Some of the GUI driven parts before the first login are also in a somewhat questionable state, ymmv.

    🚀 For now the installer distro selection is pretty good at auto-detecting your os and usually does an ok job depending on your distro. You should usually not need to pass a --distribution and --release parameter, those are still supported for the time being but their use is not recommended.

    💻 The UI works best if you don't use it in an opinionated fashion and change just the bare minimal.

    📄 If you want a secure environment you should work through the preparing the server docs (up until the dragons) and be prepared to fix some of the issues the installer gets wrong manually by hacking the config file after the fact.

    🏗 If you want to skip the installer GUI completely you can configure LibreTime using airtime_mvc/build/airtime.example.conf as an template. Due to some python/PHP differences you must remove all comments from the example to use it 😞. You'll also have to create some folder structures manually and check if the music dir got properly created directly in the database. Referencing a second install -fiap install on a non productive system for reference can help with this type of bootstrap.

    Media-Monitor config needs manual removing

    🚚 If you are using the install script you should most likely remove the [media-monitor] config section from your /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file to ensure you do not run into the problems described in
    🚀 #450. We recommend you do this before running the update since there are no known LibreTime releases that depend on the config value.

    Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information

    🏗 Out of the box the installer installs a broken, outdated version of silan (0.3.2) on some Debian based Platforms (ie. Ubuntu). This affects Ubuntu 16.04, Debian Jessie and Debian Stretch. CentOS does not have upstream packages and you may either install from source or use the 0.3.3 packages from RaBe APEL.

    👀 Check your version of silan by running silan --version. This should report 0.3.3 or higher. If not please see the Silan Installation wiki page for more details & workarounds.

    📦 To date silan 0.3.3 or higher is in Debian testing & Ubuntu Bionic. You can check the upstream progress the Debian PTS and Ubuntu launchpad. This section will get removed once the package is in stable.

    tldr: Silan Installation

    👍 Liquidsoap Support

    🏗 Libretime currently only supports liquidsoap < 1.3.0 out of the box. If you install a current version of liquidsoap using OPAM or through the Rabe Liquidsoap Distribution for CentOS (RaBe LSD) you will most likely have liquidsoap 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 installed.

    #352 reports that liquidsoap < 1.3.0 can exhibit issues on Debian Stretch installs. One fix for the issue is to install liquidsoap 1.3.0 and to use the following patching steps.

    You can check your liquidsoap version by running liquidsoap --version.

    If you already have liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 you have a couple of options.

    Liquidsoap 1.3.0 Patchset (#192)

    👍 You can patch your installation of LibreTime to support liquidsoap 1.3.0.

    An up to date patch is available through GitHub and can be applied to an unpacked tarball as follows.

    cd libretime-3.0.0-alpha.7/ curl -L | patch -p1

    Git users can pull from the branch at master...radiorabe:feature/liquidsoap-1.3.0 directly.

    Install old liquidsoap from opam (#192)

    ⬇️ You can downgrade an OPAM install of liquidsoap by running the following command.

    opam install "liquidsoap\<1.3.0"

    👍 No watched folder support

    🌐 Currently LibreTime does not support watching folders. Uploading files through the web interface works fine and can be automated via a REST API. Re-implementing watched folder support is on the roadmap. Please consider helping out with the code to help speed things along if you want to use the feature.

    👍 No line in support

    👍 This feature went missing from LibreTime due to the fact that we based our code off of the saas-dev branch of legacy upstream and support for recording hasn't been ported to the new airtime analyzer ingest system. #42 currently tracks the progress being made on line in recording.

    Playout wont work if locale is missing

    👀 Some minimal OS installs do not have a default locale configured. This only seems to affect some VPS installs as they often do not have a locale setup in the default images provided.

    📚 You can set up the locale using a combination of the following commands. You might also want to consult the documentation of your VPS provider as it may contain an official way to set up locales when provisioning a VPS.

    # Set locale using systemds localectllocalectl set-locale LANG="en\_US.utf8"

    ⚡️ These instructions do not seem to work on all Debian based distros so you might need to use update-locale as follows.

    #Purge all locales but en_US.UTF-8
    sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8
    #Populate LANGUAGE=
    sudo update-locale LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"

    Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🌐 Some translations might miss the tarball. They didn't get lost, but the build chain needs fixing. Work is in #301 and additional work is needed as it has become clear that we probably want to support bidirectional translation syncing with zanata.

  • v3.0.0-beta.2 Changes

    October 03, 2022

    🔋 Features

    • systemd service hardening (#2186)
    • extra systemd service hardening (#2197)

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • start playout service after liquidsoap (#2164)
    • include version variable inside containers
    • 🔄 change version format
    • legacy: add play button to stream player (#2190)
    • legacy: correct log levels (#2196)

    📚 Documentation

    • ✂ remove breaking change warning (#2180)
    • 🛠 fix vale linting errors
    • 🛠 fix vale linting error


    • 👍 allow failure when linting /docs/releases
    • 👉 use github.ref_name to get tag
  • v3.0.0-beta.1 Changes

    September 23, 2022

    🔋 Features

    • legacy: disable services check when missing systemctl (#2160)
    • legacy: invalidate cached assets using md5sum (#2161)
    • 👉 use libretime/icecast container image (#2165)

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • legacy: number of tracks displayed initially (#2168)
    • legacy: rebuild favicon (#2167)
    • 👷 worker: configure celery timezone (#2169)
    • legacy: update or remove broken links
    • legacy: prepend file id in tmp upload filename (#2173)
    • legacy: fail when uploading wma files (#2172)

    📚 Documentation

    • ✂ remove UI timezone configuration suggestion (#2158)
    • ➕ add default user credentials
    • first blog post, v3 beta.0 (#1939)
    • 🛠 fix release commands


    • ignore changelog for closed reference notifier
    • don't check|pulls) links
    • 📄 run docs workflow on vale files changes
  • v3.0.0-beta.0 Changes

    September 16, 2022

    🔋 Features

    • playout: use liquidsoap version functions
    • playout: replace pytz with zoneinfo (#1969)
    • installer: remove allow-restart flag (#1970)
    • 📇 rename AirtimeApiClient to ApiClient
    • playout: use single clients instance (#1980)
    • api: don't use trailing slashes (#1982)
    • api: cast StreamSetting raw_value to value (#1991)
    • 👷 worker: load callback details from config (#1994)
    • analyzer: load callback details from config and file_id (#1993)
    • api-client: rewrite api-client v2
    • playout: integrate api-client v2 calls
    • api: don't use hyperlinked serializers (#1984)
    • shared: load env config using jsonschema
    • installer: use ed for config update (#2013)
    • move off_air_meta stream setting to pref table (#2023)
    • 🚚 move stream liquisoap status to pref table
    • 🚚 move stream stats status to pref table
    • analyzer: override paths using env variables
    • playout: rewrite stats collector (#2028)
    • legacy: setup config schema validation
    • legacy: add config dot notation access
    • shared: pass config data via init (#2042)
    • playout: create liquidsoap client
    • playout: integrate new liquisoap client
    • 👷 worker: rename service and package to libretime-worker (#2065)
    • playout: improve generate_*_events (#2088)
    • api: remove set passwords command
    • remove cc_stream_setting models
    • installer: deploy stream config
    • legacy: read stream config from file
    • api: add /info and /stream/* endpoints
    • shared: create stream config models
    • playout: build liquidsoap entrypoint with stream config
    • playout: stats collector using stream config
    • playout: allow updating message_offline value
    • playout: remove stream_setting update handler
    • playout: liquidsoap bootstrap using new api endpoints
    • playout: allow liquidsoap listen address configuration
    • api: move /api-auth to /api/browser (#2094)
    • ➕ add container setup
    • 🚚 move timezone preference to config file (#2096)
    • playout: move message handling to main thread

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • api-client: get status_code from response
    • analyzer: remove outdated urllib3 workaround
    • api-client: fix base_url joining for client v2 (#1998)
    • api: update set_icecast_passwords StreamSetting fields (#2001)
    • legacy: get local logo file (#1999)
    • installer: clean legacy files before copying (#2002)
    • legacy: sanitize track_type_id when updating file (#2003)
    • shared: validator value type can be wrong
    • shared: remove unused field from rabbitmq config (#2012)
    • playout: replace deprecated harbor.bind_addr (#2025)
    • legacy: do not rely on undefined SERVER_NAME (#2031)
    • api-client: remove unused v1 methods
    • playout: use stream download when fetching files (#2048)
    • playout: add thread names (#2056)
    • legacy: args comma syntax error
    • legacy: 404 on listeners stats
    • deps: update dependency mdx-mermaid to v1.3.0 [security]
    • playout: py36 compatibility broken typings
    • playout: py39 compatibility zoneinfo import
    • api: install gunicorn from pip for bionic
    • installer: only upgrade pip packages if needed
    • installer: fix compatibility with bionic
    • legacy: look in /legacy for a VERSION file
    • playout: missing live show events (#2087)
    • legacy: config default values are not sanitized
    • installer: add liquidsoap config section
    • installer: move non reusable fields from default output
    • legacy: consistent with docs in outputs public_url generation
    • playout: also shutdown on SIGTERM (#2104)
    • installer: simplify distro support notice (#2106)
    • shared: install tzdata distribution package (#2105)
    • installer: config dir should be read only
    • installer: config should not be world readable
    • legacy: track_type_id should cast to int not text (#2112)
    • 👷 worker: rewrite podcast download task
    • shared: load env from oneOf union schema
    • deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.11.1
    • 🐳 nginx depends on legacy in docker-compose (#2147)
    • playout: remove shutdown_handler

    📚 Documentation

    • ✂ remove empty section in release note
    • 🛠 fix missing release date
    • create development section
    • ➕ add releases distributions support
    • ➕ add release instructions (#1995)
    • 👉 use dedicated backup procedure for airtime
    • ➕ add out of date warning to custom auth setup
    • edit timezone during setup
    • check system time config before installing (#2019)
    • ➕ add ubuntu bionic deprecation notice
    • ➕ add debian buster deprecation notice
    • ➕ add restore procedure (#2071)
    • 👌 improve config comments
    • ➕ add missing storage configuration
    • 👉 use brackets to refer to another field in the config
    • 🔧 file based stream configuration
    • single restart notice for config changes (#2098)
    • ➕ add warning about icecast sources limit (#2133)
    • missing fields from stream config (#2146)
    • ➕ add docker-compose ps command (#2150)
    • ➕ add tip to use yq for configuration upgrade

    ✅ Tests

    • api: ignore mypy missing imports
    • api: always print logs while testing (#1988)
    • api: create api_client pytest fixture (#1990)
    • ✅ enable logs when running pytest (#2008)
    • shared: move config tests
    • api: conftest at top level for global fixture access (#2038)
    • legacy: enable stdout logs
    • analyzer: analyze large audio files (#2050)
    • 👷 worker: setup testing
    • playout: use snapshot testing tool (#2115)
    • 👷 worker: allow pylint and bandit to fail


    • website-preview use single comment (#1996)
    • ➕ add custom user for dev containers
    • ➕ add missing gid when running dev container
    • legacy: catch syntax errors on older php versions
    • ➕ add pre-commit python cache
    • ➕ add check-shell python cache
    • ➕ add check-shell tools cache
    • ➕ add docs lint tools cache
    • ➕ add housekeeping lychee cache
    • 🏗 build test images for debian bookworm (#2097)
    • 🛠 fix docusaurus monorepo config (#2101)
    • ➕ add shared packages to dev container
    • ➕ add containers build job
    • don't run all workflows in unrelated workflows changes (#2142)
    • enable containers concurrency group
    • 👌 improve containers build caching
    • ➕ add container tags
  • v3.0.0-alpha.8 Changes

    August 17, 2019

    📚 The complete LibreTime documentation is available at

    🚀 The full tarball for the 3.0.0-alpha.8 release of LibreTime is available here.

    🚀 Since this is an alpha release there will be bugs in the code.

    Please report new issues and/or feature requests in the issue tracker. Join our discourse or chat us up on Slack if you need help and for general discussion.

    Table of Contents

    • 🔋 Features
    • 🛠 Bugfixes
    • 🗄 Deprecated Features
    • Contributors
    • Installation
    • ⚡️ Updating
    • Known Issues
      • Installer Issues
      • Media-Monitor config needs manual removing
      • Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information
      • Liquidsoap support
      • No watched folder support
      • No Line In recording support
      • Playout wont work if locale is missing
      • Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🔋 Features

    • The LibreTime project now has a proper logo!
    • 🆕 New "Show Listener Stats" in "Analytics" contains listeners statistics on specific shows.
    • Display time of last podcast import in downloaded podcasts view.
    • 👍 Allow sorting by last play date in smartblocks, makes creating playlists that play the least played track possible.
    • 🚀 Preliminary support for Debian Buster (Remember to patch the liquidsoap scripts if you use Buster).

    🛠 Bugfixes

    • Widgets now use user specified timezones as they should.
    • Podcast view now display proper number of downloaded podcasts rather than just the first 25 podcasts.
    • 🛠 Fix using non-ascii characters in podcast publishing service.
    • 🛠 Fix canceling current show for "linked" shows.
    • 🛠 Fix empty schedule page when previous track is empty.
    • 🛠 Fix focus jumping to search in advanced search.

    🗄 Deprecated Features

    • 🚀 We are phasing out support for Debian 8 (Jessie). See the announcement in the 3.0.0-alpha.7 release notes for more details.
    • 🚀 Liquidsoap 1.1.1 support. 3.0.0-alpha.8 is most likely the last version to support liquidsoap 1.1.1 out of the box. The number of distros that install a current version of liquidsoap are gaining the majority and once Ubuntu releases a version of their distro that has liquidsoap 1.3.x we will switch to native liquidsoap 1.3.x support. Users still on liquidsoap 1.1.1 will need to apply a patch to their liquidsoap scripts (or update liquidsoap).


    🚀 The LibreTime project wants to thank the following contributors for adding PRs to this release:


    📄 The main installation docs may be found at They describe a "developer" install using the bundled install script.

    🚀 We are preparing packages for supported distros and you can take those for a spin if you would like to. Usually the packages get built pretty soon after a release is published. If the current version is not available from the below sources you should wait for a while until they get uploaded.

    ⚡️ Please reference these links for further information on how to install from packages. The install docs will get updated to show how to install packages once we have validated that the packages work properly and when the packages are available from a repository allowing you to automate updating to a new version.

    ⚡️ Updating

    ⚡️ See the docs for complete information on updating. Please ensure that you have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating.
    ⚡️ If the update does not go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure broadcast continuity.

    🌐 If you installed from GitHub you can git pull in your local working copy and re-run the ./install script with the same --web-root and --web-user arguments you used during the initial install. Tarball users can leave out the git pull part and just call the new version of the install script.

    ⚡️ Updating from 3.0.0-alpha, 3.0.0-alpha.1 and, 3.0.0-alpha.2

    🔧 The configuration file structure has changed. Please move the contents of the /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini files into the main /etc/airtime/airtime.conf. In all known cases you need to add the following section to the file.


    🚚 You can then remove the files and the symlink.

    rm /etc/airtime/cloud\_storage.conf \ /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini \ /etc/airtime/production

    🚚 While you're at you may also want to remove the amazon_s3 section if it was in any of the files.

    Analyzer grabs all the needed info from the main airtime.conf file starting with 3.0.0-alpha.8.

    Known Issues

    ↪ The following issues may need a workaround for the time being. Please search the issues before reporting problems not listed below.

    Installer Issues

    📦 The installer is generally a bit unstable, we hope to be able to offer some reasonable packages at some point. Some of the GUI driven parts before the first login are also in a somewhat questionable state, ymmv.

    🚀 For now the installer distro selection is pretty good at auto-detecting your os and usually does an ok job depending on your distro. You should usually not need to pass a --distribution and --release parameter, those are still supported for the time being but their use is not recommended.

    💻 The UI works best if you don't use it in an opinionated fashion and change just the bare minimal.

    📄 If you want a secure environment you should work through the preparing the server docs (up until the dragons) and be prepared to fix some of the issues the installer gets wrong manually by hacking the config file after the fact.

    🏗 If you want to skip the installer GUI completely you can configure LibreTime using airtime_mvc/build/airtime.example.conf as an template. Due to some python/PHP differences you must remove all comments from the example to use it 😞. You'll also have to create some folder structures manually and check if the music dir got properly created directly in the database. Referencing a second install -fiap install on a non productive system for reference can help with this type of bootstrap.

    Media-Monitor config needs manual removing

    🚚 If you are using the install script you should most likely remove the [media-monitor] config section from your /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file to ensure you do not run into the problems described in
    🚀 #450. We recommend you do this before running the update since there are no known LibreTime releases that depend on the config value.

    Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information

    🏗 Out of the box the installer installs a broken, outdated version of silan (0.3.2) on some Debian based Platforms (ie. Ubuntu). This affects Ubuntu 16.04, Debian Jessie and Debian Stretch. CentOS does not have upstream packages and you may either install from source or use the 0.3.3 packages from RaBe APEL.

    👀 Check your version of silan by running silan --version. This should report 0.3.3 or higher. If not please see the Silan Installation wiki page for more details & workarounds.

    📦 To date silan 0.3.3 or higher is in Debian testing & Ubuntu Bionic. You can check the upstream progress the Debian PTS and Ubuntu launchpad. This section will get removed once the package is in stable.

    tldr: Silan Installation

    👍 Liquidsoap Support

    🏗 Libretime currently only supports liquidsoap < 1.3.0 out of the box. If you install a current version of liquidsoap using OPAM or through the Rabe Liquidsoap Distribution for CentOS (RaBe LSD) you will most likely have liquidsoap 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 installed.

    #352 reports that liquidsoap < 1.3.0 can exhibit issues on Debian Stretch installs. One fix for the issue is to install liquidsoap 1.3.0 and to use the following patching steps.

    You can check your liquidsoap version by running liquidsoap --version.

    If you already have liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 you have a couple of options.

    Liquidsoap 1.3.0 Patchset (#192)

    👍 You can patch your installation of LibreTime to support liquidsoap 1.3.0.

    An up to date patch is available through GitHub and can be applied to an unpacked tarball as follows.

    cd libretime-3.0.0-alpha.8/ curl -L | patch -p1

    Git users can pull from the branch at master...radiorabe:feature/liquidsoap-1.3.0-for-3.0.0-alpha.7 directly.

    Install old liquidsoap from opam (#192)

    ⬇️ You can downgrade an OPAM install of liquidsoap by running the following command.

    opam install "liquidsoap\<1.3.0"

    👍 No watched folder support

    🌐 Currently LibreTime does not support watching folders. Uploading files through the web interface works fine and can be automated via a REST API. Re-implementing watched folder support is on the roadmap. Please consider helping out with the code to help speed things along if you want to use the feature.

    👍 No line in support

    👍 This feature went missing from LibreTime due to the fact that we based our code off of the saas-dev branch of legacy upstream and support for recording hasn't been ported to the new airtime analyzer ingest system. #42 currently tracks the progress being made on line in recording.

    Playout wont work if locale is missing

    👀 Some minimal OS installs do not have a default locale configured. This only seems to affect some VPS installs as they often do not have a locale setup in the default images provided.

    📚 You can set up the locale using a combination of the following commands. You might also want to consult the documentation of your VPS provider as it may contain an official way to set up locales when provisioning a VPS.

    # Set locale using systemds localectllocalectl set-locale LANG="en\_US.utf8"

    ⚡️ These instructions do not seem to work on all Debian based distros so you might need to use update-locale as follows.

    #Purge all locales but en_US.UTF-8
    sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8
    #Populate LANGUAGE=
    sudo update-locale LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"

    Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🌐 Some translations might miss the tarball. They didn't get lost, but the build chain needs fixing. Work is in #301 and additional work is needed as it has become clear that we probably want to support bidirectional translation syncing with zanata.

  • v3.0.0-alpha.7 Changes

    April 22, 2019

    📚 The complete LibreTime documentation is available at

    🚀 The full tarball for the 3.0.0-alpha.7 release of LibreTime is available here.

    🚀 Since this is an alpha release there will be bugs in the code. Please report new issues and/or feature requests in the issue tracker. Join our discourse if you need help and for general discussion.

    Table of Contents

    • 🔋 Features
    • 🛠 Bugfixes
    • 🗄 Deprecated Features
    • Contributors
    • Installation
    • ⚡️ Updating
    • 🗄 Deprecation Announcement for Debian 8 (Jessie)
    • Known Issues
      • Installer Issues
      • Media-Monitor config needs manual removing
      • Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information
      • Liquidsoap support
      • No watched folder support
      • No Line In recording support
      • Playout wont work if locale is missing
      • Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🔋 Features

    • 0️⃣ Set default focus to search field on library page.
    • PHP 7.2 and 7.3 compatibility (for Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver) and other modern distros)
    • 📇 "Podcast Album Override" is now "Podcast Metadata Override " and additionally overrides the track title with the title from the RSS feed. The artist field is set to the podcast name in LibreTime.
    • 👍 Allowed users to customize the title of podcasts
    • 0️⃣ Disabled the creation of smartblocks and playlists for new podcasts by default and added a generate button under the edit podcast tab
    • 👍 Better libvirt integration in Vagrant setup.
    • 👍 Debian 11 (Buster) support
    • ➕ Add columns for uploaded and genre to default library view, sorts it by uploaded and removes album column by default
    • ➕ Add more details to the information returned by the API onAirLightAction call
    • ⚡️ Update Spanish translations
    • 👍 Allow admins to edit the owner of a track
    • ➕ Added system-wide intro and outro playlists for autoloading playlists
    • ➕ Added show-source info to live-info-v2 API
    • 📚 Update much of the documentation
    • 👍 Allow program managers to view listeners statistics

    🛠 Bugfixes

    • 🛠 Fix DOS line-endings in vendorized PHP dependencies for packaging.
    • 🛠 Fix overlapping show names if show does not fit in calendar.
    • Fall back to treating file as MP3 if it isn't recognized by mutagen.
    • ✂ Remove defunct support-setting page.
    • ✂ Remove legacy AAC code, fix AAC support for SHOUTcast.
    • Display Settings menu for all users.
    • 👉 Make "Time Remaining" Smartblock work in Playlist.
    • 🛠 Fix non-audio enclosure crash when importing badly formed podcast feeds
    • 🛠 Fix flac files not playing out
    • 🛠 Fix 500 error when making API call onAirLightAction
    • 🛠 Fix warning message shown in schedule API call
    • 🛠 Fix bug where many empty playlists were created when using autoloading
    • Passed show variable to smartblocks loaded via playlist to fix time remaining smartblocks with autoloading playlists.
    • ⏪ Restore top right user setting link and logout link to UI
    • 🛠 Fix an unnecessary type conversion to seconds that caused errors with PHP 7.2
    • 🛠 Fix import errors on podcast episodes with long descriptions
    • 🛠 Fix issue with multiple time remaining smartblocks in a single playlist not detecting remaining time correctly
    • 🛠 Fix occasional empty administration page due to null previous file reference

    🗄 Deprecated Features

    • 👀 We are beginning to phase out support for Debian 8 (Jessie). See the announcement for more details.


    🚀 The LibreTime project wants to thank the following contributors for adding PRs to this release: @robbt @frecuencialibre @detobate @greenjon @xabispacebiker @mikeopensauce @paddatrapper @hairmare @ryanrain


    📄 The main installation docs may be found at They describe a "developer" install using the bundled install script.

    🚀 We are preparing packages for supported distros and you can take those for a spin if you would like to. Usually the packages get built pretty soon after a release is published. If the current version is not available from the below sources you should wait for a while until they get uploaded.

    ⚡️ Please reference these links for further information on how to install from packages. The install docs will get updated to show how to install packages once we have validated that the packages work properly and when the packages are available from a repository allowing you to automate updating to a new version.

    ⚡️ Updating

    ⚡️ See the docs for complete information on updating. Please ensure that you have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating.
    ⚡️ If the update does not go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure broadcast continuity.

    🌐 If you installed from GitHub you can git pull in your local working copy and re-run the ./install script with the same --web-root and --web-user arguments you used during the initial install. Tarball users can leave out the git pull part and just call the new version of the install script.

    ⚡️ Updating from 3.0.0-alpha, 3.0.0-alpha.1 and, 3.0.0-alpha.2

    🔧 The configuration file structure has changed. Please move the contents of the /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini files into the main /etc/airtime/airtime.conf. In all known cases you need to add the following section to the file.


    🚚 You can then remove the files and the symlink.

    rm /etc/airtime/cloud\_storage.conf \ /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini \ /etc/airtime/production

    🚚 While you're at you may also want to remove the amazon_s3 section if it was in any of the files.

    Analyzer grabs all the needed info from the main airtime.conf file starting with 3.0.0-alpha.7.

    🗄 Deprecation Announcement for Debian 8 (Jessie)

    👍 Up until 3.0.0-alpha.7 Debian 8 (Jessie) was in the list of supported distros.

    🚀 Given that Debian 9 (Stretch) is now available and Jessie is EOL since June 2018 LibreTime has to update its support matrix. This info is in the release notes as an early warning since we are deprecating a major os version with an upcoming release.

    Known Issues

    ↪ The following issues may need a workaround for the time being. Please search the issues before reporting problems not listed below.

    Installer Issues

    📦 The installer is generally a bit unstable, we hope to be able to offer some reasonable packages at some point. Some of the GUI driven parts before the first login are also in a somewhat questionable state, ymmv.

    🚀 For now the installer distro selection is pretty good at auto-detecting your os and usually does an ok job depending on your distro. You should usually not need to pass a --distribution and --release parameter, those are still supported for the time being but their use is not recommended.

    💻 The UI works best if you don't use it in an opinionated fashion and change just the bare minimal.

    📄 If you want a secure environment you should work through the preparing the server docs (up until the dragons) and be prepared to fix some of the issues the installer gets wrong manually by hacking the config file after the fact.

    🏗 If you want to skip the installer GUI completely you can configure LibreTime using airtime_mvc/build/airtime.example.conf as an template. Due to some python/PHP differences you must remove all comments from the example to use it 😞. You'll also have to create some folder structures manually and check if the music dir got properly created directly in the database. Referencing a second install -fiap install on a non productive system for reference can help with this type of bootstrap.

    Media-Monitor config needs manual removing

    🚚 If you are using the install script you should most likely remove the [media-monitor] config section from your /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file to ensure you do not run into the problems described in
    🚀 #450. We recommend you do this before running the update since there are no known LibreTime releases that depend on the config value.

    Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information

    🏗 Out of the box the installer installs a broken, outdated version of silan (0.3.2) on some Debian based Platforms (ie. Ubuntu). This affects Ubuntu 16.04, Debian Jessie and Debian Stretch. CentOS does not have upstream packages and you may either install from source or use the 0.3.3 packages from RaBe APEL.

    👀 Check your version of silan by running silan --version. This should report 0.3.3 or higher. If not please see the Silan Installation wiki page for more details & workarounds.

    📦 To date silan 0.3.3 or higher is in Debian testing & Ubuntu Bionic. You can check the upstream progress the Debian PTS and Ubuntu launchpad. This section will get removed once the package is in stable.

    tldr: Silan Installation

    👍 Liquidsoap Support

    🏗 Libretime currently only supports liquidsoap < 1.3.0 out of the box. If you install a current version of liquidsoap using OPAM or through the Rabe Liquidsoap Distribution for CentOS (RaBe LSD) you will most likely have liquidsoap 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 installed.

    #352 reports that liquidsoap < 1.3.0 can exhibit issues on Debian Stretch installs. One fix for the issue is to install liquidsoap 1.3.0 and to use the following patching steps.

    You can check your liquidsoap version by running liquidsoap --version.

    If you already have liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 you have a couple of options.

    Liquidsoap 1.3.0 Patchset (#192)

    👍 You can patch your installation of LibreTime to support liquidsoap 1.3.0.

    An up to date patch is available through GitHub and can be applied to an unpacked tarball as follows.

    cd libretime-3.0.0-alpha.7/ curl -L | patch -p1

    Git users can pull from the branch at master...radiorabe:feature/liquidsoap-1.3.0 directly.

    Install old liquidsoap from opam (#192)

    ⬇️ You can downgrade an OPAM install of liquidsoap by running the following command.

    opam install "liquidsoap\<1.3.0"

    👍 No watched folder support

    🌐 Currently LibreTime does not support watching folders. Uploading files through the web interface works fine and can be automated via a REST API. Re-implementing watched folder support is on the roadmap. Please consider helping out with the code to help speed things along if you want to use the feature.

    👍 No line in support

    👍 This feature went missing from LibreTime due to the fact that we based our code off of the saas-dev branch of legacy upstream and support for recording hasn't been ported to the new airtime analyzer ingest system. #42 currently tracks the progress being made on line in recording.

    Playout wont work if locale is missing

    👀 Some minimal OS installs do not have a default locale configured. This only seems to affect some VPS installs as they often do not have a locale setup in the default images provided.

    📚 You can set up the locale using a combination of the following commands. You might also want to consult the documentation of your VPS provider as it may contain an official way to set up locales when provisioning a VPS.

    # Set locale using systemds localectllocalectl set-locale LANG="en\_US.utf8"

    ⚡️ These instructions do not seem to work on all Debian based distros so you might need to use update-locale as follows.

    #Purge all locales but en_US.UTF-8
    sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8
    #Populate LANGUAGE=
    sudo update-locale LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"

    Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🌐 Some translations might miss the tarball. They didn't get lost, but the build chain needs fixing. Work is in #301 and additional work is needed as it has become clear that we probably want to support bidirectional translation syncing with zanata.

  • v3.0.0-alpha.6 Changes

    December 23, 2018

    📚 The complete LibreTime documentation is available at

    🚀 The full tarball for the 3.0.0-alpha.6 release of LibreTime is available here.

    🚀 Since this is an alpha release there will be bugs in the code. Please report new issues and/or feature requests in the issue tracker.

    Table of Contents

    • 🔋 Features
    • 🛠 Bugfixes
    • 🗄 Deprecated Features
    • Installation
    • ⚡️ Updating
    • Known Issues
      • Installer Issues
      • Media-Monitor config needs manual removing
      • Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information
      • Liquidsoap support
      • No watched folder support
      • No Line In recording support
      • Playout wont work if locale is missing
      • Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing
    • Colophon

    🔋 Features

    • 0️⃣ Turn on the podcast album override by default on new installs.
    • Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) developer tooling.
    • 🔧 Collapse advanced configuration in show edit form.
    • Clock icon in calendar for autoloading playlists.
    • Let user edit podcast name.
    • 0️⃣ Default to creating dynamic smartblock when creating new smartblocks.
    • 🔧 Move advanced smartblock configuration to collapsed "Advanced options" section.
    • Assume "Y" as answer for questions during installer.

    🛠 Bugfixes

    • 🛠 Fix sizing for playlist and smart block on shorter screens.
    • ⏱ Increased celery timeout to 1800 seconds (affects podcast downloads and other tasks like things related to the soundcloud integration).
    • ✂ remove some obsolete scripts from utils/.
    • 🛠 Fix version check for cases where GitHub is not available or temporarily fails.
    • ⏱ Clarify wording for "Autoloading Playlist" (used to be called "Auto Schedule" or other names).
    • ✂ Remove "Record & Rebroadcast" from ui.
    • 🛠 Fix scrolling issue in "Add Show" dialog.
    • 👍 Allow ampersand in smartblock search criteria.
    • 🛠 Fix display of selected tracks in Smartblock criteria.
    • ➕ Add docs into enriched tarball for packagers.
    • 👌 Improve filling smartblocks, they should not get overscheduled rather than not getting filled up all the way.
    • ✂ Remove broken ReCaptcha.
    • 🛠 Fix reading metadata from non-mp3 sources (in podcasts and uploads).
    • 📇 Update mutagen to fix some edge cases when reading metadata from files in analyzer.
    • 🛠 Fix shuffling playlists that contain a smart block.
    • ✂ Remove unused zfdebug from dev environment.

    🗄 Deprecated Features

    • 🚀 The contents of /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini have been moved to the main /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file and the env specific symlink is no longer needed. See below for instructions on how to migrate from a pre-release that created those files.
    • 🚀 As per the announcement in the 3.0.0-alpha.5 release notes we are dropping Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) as a supported platform.
    • ✂ Removed Amazon S3 storage support.
    • ✂ Remove "Record & Rebroadcast" from ui.


    📄 The main installation docs may be found at They describe a "developer" install using the bundled install script.

    🚀 We are preparing packages for supported distros and you can take those for a spin if you would like to. Usually the packages get built pretty soon after a release is published. If the current version is not available from the below sources you should wait for a while until they get uploaded.

    ⚡️ Please reference these links for further information on how to install from packages. The install docs will get updated to show how to install packages once we have validated that the packages work properly and when the packages are available from a repository allowing you to automate updating to a new version.

    ⚡️ Updating

    ⚡️ See the docs for complete information on updating. Please ensure that you have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating.
    ⚡️ If the update does not go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure broadcast continuity.

    🌐 If you installed from GitHub you can git pull in your local working copy and re-run the ./install script with the same --web-root and --web-user arguments you used during the initial install. Tarball users can leave out the git pull part and just call the new version of the install script.

    ⚡️ Updating from 3.0.0-alpha, 3.0.0-alpha.1 and, 3.0.0-alpha.2

    🔧 The configuration file structure has changed. Please move the contents of the /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini files into the main /etc/airtime/airtime.conf. In all known cases you need to add the following section to the file.


    🚚 You can then remove the files and the symlink.

    rm /etc/airtime/cloud\_storage.conf \ /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini \ /etc/airtime/production

    🚚 While you're at you may also want to remove the amazon_s3 section if it was in any of the files.

    Analyzer grabs all the needed info from the main airtime.conf file starting with 3.0.0-alpha.6.

    Known Issues

    ↪ The following issues may need a workaround for the time being. Please search the issues before reporting problems not listed below.

    Installer Issues

    📦 The installer is generally a bit unstable, we hope to be able to offer some reasonable packages at some point. Some of the GUI driven parts before the first login are also in a somewhat questionable state, ymmv.

    🚀 For now the installer distro selection is pretty good at auto-detecting your os and usually does an ok job depending on your distro. You should usually not need to pass a --distribution and --release parameter, those are still supported for the time being but their use is not recommended.

    💻 The ui works best if you don't use it in an opinionated fashion and change just the bare minimal.

    📄 If you want a secure environment you should work through the preparing the server docs (up until the dragons) and be prepared to fix some of the issues the installer gets wrong manually by hacking the config file after the fact.

    🏗 If you want to skip the installer GUI completely you can configure LibreTime using airtime_mvc/build/airtime.example.conf as an template. Due to some python/PHP differences you must remove all comments from the example to use it 😞. You'll also have to create some folder structures manually and check if the music dir got properly created directly in the database. Referencing a second install -fiap install on a non productive system for reference can help with this type of bootstrap.

    Media-Monitor config needs manual removing

    🚚 If you are using the install script you should most likely remove the [media-monitor] config section from your /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file to ensure you do not run into the problems described in
    🚀 #450. We recommend you do this before running the update since there are no known LibreTime releases that depend on the config value.

    Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information

    🏗 Out of the box the installer installs a broken, outdated version of silan on some Debian based Platforms (ie. Ubuntu). This affects all distros supported by the installer except Debian testing which has the silan 0.3.3 and CentOS which does not have upstream packages and you may either install from source or use the 0.3.3 packages from RaBe APEL.

    👀 Check your version of silan by running silan --version. This should report 0.3.3 or higher. If not please see the Silan Installation wiki page for more details & workarounds.

    📦 To date silan 0.3.3 or higher is in Debian testing & Ubuntu Bionic. You can check the upstream progress the Debian PTS and Ubuntu launchpad. This section will get removed once the package is in stable.

    tldr: Silan Installation

    👍 Liquidsoap Support

    🏗 Libretime currently only supports liquidsoap < 1.3.0 out of the box. If you install a current version of liquidsoap using OPAM or through the Rabe Liquidsoap Distribution for CentOS (RaBe LSD) you will most likely have liquidsoap 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 installed.

    #352 reports that liquidsoap < 1.3.0 can exhibit issues on some Debian based installs. One fix for the issue is to install liquidsoap 1.3.0 and to use the following patching steps. Kyle from silan fame is taking the needed steps to get liquidsoap maintained again in Debian so we expect the situation to improve over time.

    You can check your liquidsoap version by running liquidsoap --version.

    If you already have liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 you have a couple of options.

    Liquidsoap 1.3.0 Patchset (#192)

    👍 You can patch your installation of LibreTime to support liquidsoap 1.3.0.

    An up to date patch is available through GitHub and can be applied to an unpacked tarball as follows.

    cd libretime-3.0.0-alpha.6/ curl -L | patch -p1

    Git users can pull from the branch at master...radiorabe:feature/liquidsoap-1.3.0 directly.

    Install old liquidsoap from opam (#192)

    ⬇️ You can downgrade an OPAM install of liquidsoap by running the following command.

    opam install "liquidsoap\<1.3.0"

    👍 No watched folder support

    🌐 Currently LibreTime does not support watching folders as described in the manual. Uploading files through the web interface works fine and can be automated via a REST API. Re-implementing watched folder support is on the roadmap. Please consider helping out with the code to help speed things along if you want to use the feature.

    👍 No line in support

    👍 This feature went missing from LibreTime due to the fact that we based our code off of the saas-dev branch of legacy upstream and support for recording hasn't been ported to the new airtime analyzer ingest system. #42 currently tracks the progress being made on line in recording.

    Playout wont work if locale is missing

    👀 Some minimal OS installs do not have a default locale configured. This only seems to affect some VPS installs as they often do not have a locale setup in the default images provided.

    📚 You can set up the locale using a combination of the following commands. You might also want to consult the documentation of your VPS provider as it may contain an official way to set up locales when provisioning a VPS.

    # Set locale using systemds localectllocalectl set-locale LANG="en\_US.utf8"

    ⚡️ These instructions do not seem to work on all Debian based distros so you might need to use update-locale as follows.

    #Purge all locales but en_US.UTF-8
    sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8
    #Populate LANGUAGE=
    sudo update-locale LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"

    Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🌐 Some translations might miss the tarball. They didn't get lost but the build chain needs fixing. Work is in #301 and additional work is needed as it has become clear that we probably want to support bidirectional translation syncing with zanata.


    🍱 I would like to use this space to extend a warm welcome to our new Maintainers @paddatrapper, @frecuencialibre and @ned-kelly. We are happy to have you on board. Thank you very much for helping maintain LibreTime ❤️

  • v3.0.0-alpha.5 Changes

    October 13, 2018

    📚 The complete LibreTime documentation is available at

    🚀 The full tarball for the 3.0.0-alpha.5 release of LibreTime is available here.

    🚀 Since this is an alpha release there will be bugs in the code. Please report new issues and/or feature requests in the issue tracker.

    Table of Contents

    • 🔋 Features
    • 🛠 Bugfixes
    • 🗄 Deprecated Features
    • ⚡️ Updating
    • 🗄 Deprecation Announcement for Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
    • Known Issues
      • Media-Monitor config needs manual removing
      • Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information
      • Liquidsoap support
      • No watched folder support
      • No Line In recording support
      • Playout wont work if locale is missing
      • Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing
    • Colophon

    🔋 Features

    • Interface improvements
    • 👍 Raspbian 9 support in installer script
    • 👍 Allow skipping RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL install in installer script with --no-rabbitmq and --no-postgres

    🛠 Bugfixes

    • ✂ Remove [media-monitor] section from default install (look here for workaround)
    • 🛠 Fix last help links that pointed to sourcefabric and update others to point to discourse
    • 🛠 Fix for ShoutCAST DNAS rejecting title updates when artist is missing
    • 🎉 Initial fixes for native IPv6 support
    • 👌 Support modern pika versions
    • Disable podcast subscription limit
    • Return proper Content-Length for legacy database entries missing the info

    🗄 Deprecated Features

    • 🚀 The contents of /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini have been moved to the main /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file and the env specific symlink is no longer needed. See below for instructions on how to migrate from a pre-release that created those files.
    • 🚀 As per the announcement in the 3.0.0-alpha.2 release notes we are dropping Debian 7/Wheezy as a supported platform.
    • 🚀 The installer distro selection process has been upgraded and the --distribution and --release parameters are not needed anymore. They are still supported for the time being but their use is not recommended.
    • ✂ Removed Amazon S3 storage support

    ⚡️ Updating

    ⚡️ See the docs for complete information on updating. Please ensure that you have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating.
    ⚡️ If the update does not go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure broadcast continuity.

    🌐 If you installed from GitHub you can git pull in you local working copy and re-run the ./install script with the same --web-root and --web-user arguments you used during the initial install. Tarball users can leave out the git pull part and just call the new version of the install script.

    ⚡️ Updating from 3.0.0-alpha or 3.0.0-alpha.2

    🔧 The configuration file structure has changed. Please move the contents of the /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini files into the main /etc/airtime/airtime.conf. In all known cases you need to add the following section to the file.


    🚚 You can then remove the files and the symlink.

    rm /etc/airtime/cloud\_storage.conf \ /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini \ /etc/airtime/production

    🚚 While you're at you may also want to remove the amazon_s3 section if it was in any of the files.

    Analyzer grabs all the needed info from the main airtime.conf file starting with 3.0.0-alpha.5.

    🗄 Deprecation Announcement for Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)

    👍 Up until 3.0.0-alpha.4 Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) was in the list of supported distros.

    🚀 Given that Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) and Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) are now available and Trusty is EOL in April 2019 LibreTime has to update its support matrix. This info is in the release notes as an early warning since we are deprecating a major os version with an upcoming release.

    Known Issues

    ↪ The following issues may need a workaround for the time being. Please search the issues before reporting problems not listed below.

    Media-Monitor config needs manual removing

    🚚 If you are using the install script you should most likely remove the [media-monitor] config section from your /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file to ensure you do not run into the problems described in
    🚀 #450. We recommend you do this before running the update since there are no known LibreTime releases that depend on the config value.

    Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information

    🏗 Out of the box the installer installs a broken, outdated version of silan on most Debian based Platforms (ie. Ubuntu). This affects all distros supported by the installer except Debian unstable which has the silan 0.3.3 and CentOS which does not have upstream packages and you may either install from source or use the 0.3.3 packages from RaBe APEL.

    📦 You can check the version of silan by running with silan --version which should report 0.3.3 or with sudo dpkg -s silan | awk '/Version/ {print $2}' that will show the exact package version you installed. Please include this information if you file bugs concerning silan.

    ⚡️ There are multiple workarounds to this issue and a bug against the upstream has been fixed. Kyle Robbertze @paddatrapper has taken over maintainership of the silan packages in Debian as he is currently packaging LibreTime for Debian. The silan package is in testing as can be seen in the Debian PTS. This section will get updated once the package is in stable.

    ⚡️ Until this is sorted you should pre-install silan from a source you trust. If your distro has not updated to 0.3.3 yet you can also help by asking your distros maintainers for a bump.

    📦 The following solutions have been reported to work. If they do not work, please note that it is your responsibility to get working silan packages.

    🏗 Silan from OBS build (#177 (comment))

    Works for all relevant Debian and Ubuntu distros and installs silan 0.3.3~nmu1.

    # install package signing key from obswget -qO-\_7.0/Release.key \ | apt-key add -# add OBS repo to sources list (pick the distro you need)# Debian Stretchecho 'deb\_9.0\_standard/ ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Debian Jessieecho 'deb\_8.0 ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Ubuntu Xenialecho 'deb\_16.04 ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) EOL in April 2019echo 'deb\_14.10\_standard/ ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# update local package databaseapt-get update# install silan 0.3.3 from obs packagesapt-get install silan

    🏗 Local armhf builds for Raspberry Pi 3 (#214 (comment))

    🏗 Since can't build Debian packages on arm due to missing dependencies, the 0.3.3~nmu1 arm package was built in a docker crossdev environment. This is reported to work on Debian Jessie on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.

    curl -L -O\_0.3.3.nmu1\_armhf.deb.tar.gz tar xvf silan\_0.3.3.nmu1\_armhf.deb.tar.gz sudo dpkg -i silan\_0.3.3~nmu1\_armhf.deb

    📦 Legacy upstream silan packages (#197)

    📦 Legacy upstream hosts patched packages for Ubuntu Trusty on They install as 0.3.2~trusty~sfo-1.

    sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list \<\<EODdeb trusty mainEODsudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sourcefabric-keyring sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --reinstall silan=0.3.2~trusty~sfo-1

    ✂ Remove silan completely (#193 (comment))

    It is worth mentioning that you can disable cue point detection by removing silan from the system.

    sudo apt-get uninstall silan

    Reportedly this might have side effects.

    👍 Liquidsoap Support

    🏗 Libretime currently only supports liquidsoap < 1.3.0 out of the box. If you install a current version of liquidsoap using OPAM or through the Rabe Liquidsoap Distribution for CentOS (RaBe LSD) you will most likely have liquidsoap 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 installed.

    #352 reports that liquidsoap < 1.3.0 can exhibit issues on some Debian based installs. One fix for the issue is to install liquidsoap 1.3.0 and to use the following patching steps. Kyle from silan fame is taking the needed steps to get liquidsoap maintained again in Debian so we expect the situation to improve over time.

    You can check your liquidsoap version by running liquidsoap --version.

    If you already have liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 you have a couple of options.

    Liquidsoap 1.3.0 Patchset (#192)

    👍 You can patch your installation of LibreTime to support liquidsoap 1.3.0.

    An up to date patch is available through GitHub and can be applied to an unpacked tarball as follows.

    cd libretime-3.0.0-alpha.5/ curl -L | patch -p1

    Git users can pull from the branch at master...radiorabe:feature/liquidsoap-1.3.0 directly.

    Install old liquidsoap from opam (#192)

    ⬇️ You can downgrade an OPAM install of liquidsoap by running the following command.

    opam install "liquidsoap\<1.3.0"

    👍 No watched folder support

    🌐 Currently LibreTime does not support watching folders as described in the manual. Uploading files through the web interface works fine and can be automated via a REST API. Re-implementing watched folder support is on the roadmap. Please consider helping out with the code to help speed things along if you want to use the feature.

    👍 No line in support

    💻 Line In recording can be enabled in the UI but doesn't currently work. This feature went missing from LibreTime due to the fact that we based our code off of the saas-dev branch of legacy upstream and support for recording hasn't been ported to the new airtime analyzer ingest system. #42 currently tracks the progress being made on line in recording.

    Playout wont work if locale is missing

    👀 Some minimal OS installs do not have a default locale configured. This only seems to affect some VPS installs as they often do not have a locale setup in the default images provided.

    📚 You can set up the locale using a combination of the following command. You might also want to consult the documentation of your VPS provider as it may contain an official way to set up locales when provisioning a VPS.

    # Set locale using systemds localectllocalectl set-locale LANG="en\_US.utf8"

    ⚡️ These instructions do not seem to work on all Debian based distros so you might need to use update-locale as follows.

    #Purge all locales but en_US.UTF-8
    sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8
    #Populate LANGUAGE=
    sudo update-locale LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"

    Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🌐 Some translations might miss the tarball. They didn't get lost but the build chain needs fixing. Work is in #301 and additional work is needed as it has become clear that we proabably want to support bidirectional translation syncing with zanata.


    Sorry for the late release, RelEng has been busy with adulting and generally having a life as of lately. I'm still very much committed to LibreTime but can only find a limited amount of time to look into Issues due to beeing busy qualifying LibreTime for production workloads at my station. I plan on re-shifting my focus on pull request reviews and RelEng to address my lack of time going further.

  • v3.0.0-alpha.4 Changes

    February 03, 2018

    📚 The complete LibreTime documentation is available at

    🚀 The full tarball for the 3.0.0-alpha.4 release of LibreTime is available here.

    🚀 Since this is an alpha release there will be bugs in the code. Please report new issues and/or feature requests in the issue tracker.

    Table of Contents

    • 🔋 Features
    • 🛠 Bugfixes
    • 🗄 Deprecated Features
    • ⚡️ Updating
    • Known Issues
      • Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information
      • Liquidsoap support
      • No watched folder support
      • No Line In recording support
      • Playout wont work if locale is missing
      • Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing
    • Colophon

    🔋 Features

    • ⚡️ Updated Hungarian translations
    • Preview tracks in generated SmartBlocks
    • 🆕 New icon to mark autoplaylist based show on calendar page
    • Relative date filters for Smartblocks

    🛠 Bugfixes

    • 🛠 Fix updating track information from pypo on TLS only setups
    • 🛠 Fix seeking in track preview
    • 🛠 Fix advanced search in calendar mode
    • Validate contents of VERSION file to fix non-enriched git tarball install
    • dead code removal of legacy media-monitor code base

    🗄 Deprecated Features

    • 🚀 The contents of /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini have been moved to the main /etc/airtime/airtime.ini file and the env specific symlink is no longer needed. See below for instructions on how to migrate from a pre-release that created those files.
    • 🚀 As per the announcement in the 3.0.0-alpha.2 release notes we are dropping Debian 7/Wheezy as a supported platform.
    • 🚀 The installer distro selection process has been upgraded and the --distribution and --release parameters are not needed anymore. They are still supported for the time being but their use is not recommended.

    ⚡️ Updating

    ⚡️ See the docs for complete information on updating. Please ensure that you have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating.
    ⚡️ If the update does not go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure broadcast continuity.

    🌐 If you installed from GitHub you can git pull in you local working copy and re-run the ./install script with the same --web-root and --web-user arguments you used during the initial install. Tarball users can leave out the git pull part and just call the new version of the install script.

    ⚡️ Updating from 3.0.0-alpha or 3.0.0-alpha.2

    🔧 The configuration file structure has changed. Please move the contents of the /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini files into the main /etc/airtime/airtime.ini. In all known cases you need to add the following sections to the file.


    🚚 You can then remove the files and the symlink.

    rm /etc/airtime/cloud\_storage.conf \ /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini \ /etc/airtime/production

    Analyzer grabs all the needed info from the main airtime.ini file starting with 3.0.0-alpha.4.

    Known Issues

    ↪ The following issues may need a workaround for the time being. Please search the issues before reporting problems not listed below.

    Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information

    🏗 Out of the box the installer installs a broken, outdated version of silan on most Debian based Platforms (ie. Ubuntu). This affects all distros supported by the installer except Debian unstable which has the silan 0.3.3 and CentOS which does not have upstream packages and you may either install from source or use the 0.3.3 packages from RaBe APEL.

    📦 You can check the version of silan by running with silan --version which should report 0.3.3 or with sudo dpkg -s silan | awk '/Version/ {print $2}' that will show the exact package version you installed. Please include this information if you file bugs concerning silan.

    ⚡️ There are multiple workarounds to this issue and a bug against the upstream has been fixed. Kyle Robbertze @paddatrapper has taken over maintainership of the silan packages in Debian as he is currently packaging LibreTime for Debian. The silan package is in testing as can be seen in the Debian PTS. This section will get updated once the package is in stable.

    ⚡️ Until this is sorted you should pre-install silan from a source you trust. If your distro has not updated to 0.3.3 yet you can also help by asking your distros maintainers for a bump.

    The following solutions have been reported to work.

    🏗 Silan from OBS build (#177 (comment))

    Works for all relevant Debian and Ubuntu distros and installs silan 0.3.3~nmu1.

    # install package signing key from obswget -qO-\_7.0/Release.key \ | apt-key add -# add OBS repo to sources list (pick the distro you need)# Debian Stretchecho 'deb\_9.0\_standard/ ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Debian Jessieecho 'deb\_8.0 ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Ubuntu Xenialecho 'deb\_16.04 ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Ubuntu Trustyecho 'deb\_14.04 ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# update local package databaseapt-get update# install silan 0.3.3 from obs packagesapt-get install silan

    🏗 Local armhf builds for Raspberry Pi 3 (#214 (comment))

    🏗 Since can't build Debian packages on arm due to missing dependencies, the 0.3.3~nmu1 arm package was built in a docker crossdev environment. This is reported to work on Debian Jessie on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.

    curl -L -O\_0.3.3.nmu1\_armhf.deb.tar.gz tar xvf silan\_0.3.3.nmu1\_armhf.deb.tar.gz sudo dpkg -i silan\_0.3.3~nmu1\_armhf.deb

    📦 Legacy upstream silan packages (#197)

    📦 Legacy upstream hosts patched packages for Ubuntu Trusty on They install as 0.3.2~trusty~sfo-1.

    sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list \<\<EODdeb trusty mainEODsudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sourcefabric-keyring sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --reinstall silan=0.3.2~trusty~sfo-1

    ✂ Remove silan completely (#193 (comment))

    It is worth mentioning that you can disable cue point detection by removing silan from the system.

    sudo apt-get uninstall silan

    Reportedly this might have side effects.

    👍 Liquidsoap Support

    🏗 Libretime currently only supports liquidsoap < 1.3.0 out of the box. If you install a current version of liquidsoap using OPAM or through the Rabe Liquidsoap Distribution for CentOS (RaBe LSD) you will most likely have liquidsoap 1.3.2 or 1.3.3 installed.

    #352 reports that liquidsoap < 1.3.0 can exhibit issues on some Debian based installs. One fix for the issue is to install liquidsoap 1.3.0 and to use the following patching steps. Kyle from silan fame is taking the needed steps to get liquidsoap maintained again in Debian so we expect the situation to improve over time.

    You can check your liquidsoap version by running liquidsoap --version.

    If you already have liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 you have a couple of options.

    Liquidsoap 1.3.0 Patchset (#192)

    👍 You can patch your installation of LibreTime to support liquidsoap 1.3.0.

    An up to date patch is available through GitHub and can be applied to an unpacked tarball as follows.

    cd libretime-3.0.0-alpha.4/ curl -L | patch -p1

    Git users can pull from the branch at master...radiorabe:feature/liquidsoap-1.3.0 directly.

    Install old liquidsoap from opam (#192)

    ⬇️ You can downgrade an OPAM install of liquidsoap by running the following command.

    opam install "liquidsoap\<1.3.0"

    👍 No watched folder support

    🌐 Currently LibreTime does not support watching folders as described in the manual. Uploading files through the web interface works fine and can be automated via a REST API. Re-implementing watched folder support is on the roadmap. Please consider helping out with the code to help speed things along if you want to use the feature.

    👍 No line in support

    💻 Line In recording can be enabled in the UI but doesn't currently work. This feature went missing from LibreTime due to the fact that we based our code off of the saas-dev branch of legacy upstream and support for recording hasn't been ported to the new airtime analyzer ingest system. #42 currently tracks the progress being made on line in recording.

    Playout wont work if locale is missing

    👀 Some minimal OS installs do not have a default locale configured. This only seems to affect some VPS installs as they often do not have a locale setup in the default images provided.

    📚 You can set up the locale using a combination of the following command. You might also want to consult the documentation of your VPS provider as it may contain an official way to set up locales when provisioning a VPS.

    # Set locale using systemds localectllocalectl set-locale LANG="en\_US.utf8"

    ⚡️ These instructions do not seem to work on all Debian based distros so you might need to use update-locale as follows.

    #Purge all locales but en_US.UTF-8
    sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8
    #Populate LANGUAGE=
    sudo update-locale LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"

    Lack of i18n toolchain is disturbing

    🌐 Some translations might miss the tarball. They didn't get lost but the build chain needs fixing. Work is in #301 and additional work is needed as it has become clear that we proabably want to support bidirectional translation syncing with zanata.


    🚀 This is the first release that contains code contributions from more than 5 developers. Also, we reached 💯 🌟 a while ago and this is the fifth release since we forked almost a year ago. I'm looking forward to celebrating the one year anniversary of LibreTime soon.

    🚀 A large thanks from RelEng goes to everyone who put their hard work into LibreTime both here on GitHub as well as on our Discourse. Cutting these releases wouldn't be half as rewarding without the constant feedback from the community.

  • v3.0.0-alpha.3 Changes

    October 18, 2017

    📚 The complete LibreTime documentation is available at

    🚀 The full tarball for the 3.0.0-alpha.3 release of LibreTime is available here.

    🚀 Since this is an alpha release there will be bugs in the code. Please report new issues and/or feature requests in the issue tracker.

    Table of Contents

    • 🔋 Features
    • 🛠 Bugfixes
    • 🗄 Deprecated Features
    • ⚡️ Updating
    • Known Issues
      • Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information
      • Liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 support
      • No watched folder support
      • No Line In recording support
      • Playout wont work if locale is missing
    • Colophon

    🔋 Features

    • 👍 Debian 9 support in installer shell script
    • 🔧 Simplify configuration file structure
    • 🌐 Lots of work on Hungarian (hu_HU) translation
    • Automatic Creation of Smartblocks and Playlists for new Podcasts
    • Duplicate Smartblock functionality in context menu
    • 👍 Better server preparation docs with firewall infos

    🛠 Bugfixes

    • 0️⃣ CORS responses work for all browsers and with TLS or on non default ports
    • 🛠 Fix update warning for pre-release candidates
    • 📦 Dont install dev packages in installer for faster installs
    • Some php 7.1 patches
    • 👍 Better logging for analyzer and pypo
    • 🛠 Fix chunked podcast downloading
    • 🛠 Fix TLS timestamp updating

    🗄 Deprecated Features

    • 🚀 The contents of /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini have been moved to the main /etc/airtime/airtime.ini file and the env specific symlink is no longer needed. See below for instructions on how to migrate from a pre-release that created those files.
    • 🚀 As per the announcement in the 3.0.0-alpha.2 release notes we are dropping Debian 7/Wheezy as a supported platform.
    • 🚀 The installer distro selection process has been upgraded and the --distribution and --release parameters are not needed anymore. They are still supported for the time being but their use is not recommended.

    ⚡️ Updating

    ⚡️ See the docs for complete information on updating. Please ensure that you have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating.
    ⚡️ If the update does not go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure broadcast continuity.

    🌐 If you installed from GitHub you can git pull in you local working copy and re-run the ./install script with the same --web-root and --web-user arguments you used during the initial install. Tarball users can leave out the git pull part and just call the new version of the install script.

    ⚡️ Updating from 3.0.0-alpha or 3.0.0-alpha.2

    🔧 The configuration file structure has changed. Please move the contents of the /etc/airtime/cloud_storage.conf and /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini files into the main /etc/airtime/airtime.ini. In all known cases you need to add the following sections to the file.


    🚚 You can then remove the files and the symlink.

    rm /etc/airtime/cloud\_storage.conf \ /etc/airtime/rabbitmq-analyzer.ini \ /etc/airtime/production

    Analyzer grabs all the needed info from the main airtime.ini file starting with 3.0.0-alpha.3.

    Known Issues

    ↪ The following issues need a workaround for the time being. Please search the issues before reporting problems not listed below.

    Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information

    🏗 Out of the box the installer installs a broken, outdated version of silan on most Debian based Platforms (ie. Ubuntu). This affects all distros supported by the installer except Debian unstable which has the silan 0.3.3 and CentOS which does not have upstream packages and you may either install from source or use the 0.3.3 packages from RaBe APEL.

    📦 You can check the version of silan by running with silan --version which should report 0.3.3 or with sudo dpkg -s silan | awk '/Version/ {print $2}' that will show the exact package version you installed. Please include this information if you file bugs concerning silan.

    ⚡️ There are multiple workarounds to this issue and a bug against the upstream has been opened with Debian. Until this is sorted you should pre-install silan from a source you trust. If your distro has not updated to 0.3.3 yet you can also help by asking your distros maintainers for a bump.

    📦 Kyle Robbertze @paddatrapper has taken over maintainership of the silan packages in Debian as he is currently packaging LibreTime for Debian. Thank you very much Kyle!

    The following solutions have been reported to work.

    🏗 Silan from OBS build (#177 (comment))

    Works for all relevant Debian and Ubuntu distros and installs silan 0.3.3~nmu1.

    # install package signing key from obswget -qO-\_7.0/Release.key \ | apt-key add -# add OBS repo to sources list (pick the distro you need)# Debian Stretchecho 'deb\_9.0\_standard/ ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Debian Jessieecho 'deb\_8.0 ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Ubuntu Xenialecho 'deb\_16.04 ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# Ubuntu Trustyecho 'deb\_14.04 ./' \ \> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare\_silan.list# update local package databaseapt-get update# install silan 0.3.3 from obs packagesapt-get install silan

    🏗 Local armhf builds for Raspberry Pi 3 (#214 (comment))

    🏗 Since can't build Debian packages on arm due to missing dependencies, the 0.3.3~nmu1 arm package was built in a docker crossdev environment. This is reported to work on Debian Jessie on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.

    curl -L -O\_0.3.3.nmu1\_armhf.deb.tar.gz tar xvf silan\_0.3.3.nmu1\_armhf.deb.tar.gz sudo dpkg -i silan\_0.3.3~nmu1\_armhf.deb

    📦 Legacy upstream silan packages (#197)

    📦 Legacy upstream hosts patched packages for Ubuntu Trusty on They install as 0.3.2~trusty~sfo-1.

    sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list \<\<EODdeb trusty mainEODsudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sourcefabric-keyring sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --reinstall silan=0.3.2~trusty~sfo-1

    ✂ Remove silan completely (#193 (comment))

    It is worth mentioning that you can disable cue point detection by removing silan from the system.

    sudo apt-get uninstall silan

    Reportedly this might wake the 🐈 (happy-cuteness-overload-small aww) or have other side effects.

    👍 Liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 Support

    🏗 Libretime currently only supports liquidsoap < 1.3.0 out of the box. If you install a current version of liquidsoap using OPAM or through the Rabe Liquidsoap Distribution for CentOS (RaBe LSD) you will most likely have liquidsoap 1.3.1 installed.

    You can check your liquidsoap version by running liquidsoap --version.

    If you already have liquidsoap >= 1.3.0 you have a couple of options.

    Liquidsoap 1.3.0 Patchset (#192)

    👍 You can patch your installation of LibreTime to support liquidsoap 1.3.0.

    An up to date patch is available through GitHub and can be applied to an unpacked tarball as follows.

    cd libretime-3.0.0-alpha.3/ curl -L | patch -p1

    Git users can pull from the branch at master...radiorabe:feature/liquidsoap-1.3.0 directly.

    Install old liquidsoap from opam (#192)

    ⬇️ You can downgrade an OPAM install of liquidsoap by running the following command.

    opam install "liquidsoap\<1.3.0"

    👍 No watched folder support

    🌐 Currently LibreTime does not support watching folders as described in the manual. Uploading files through the web interface works fine and can be automated via a REST API. Re-implementing watched folder support is on the roadmap. Please consider helping out with the code to help speed things along if you want to use the feature.

    👍 No line in support

    💻 Line In recording can be enabled in the UI but doesn't currently work. This feature went missing from LibreTime due to the fact that we based our code off of the saas-dev branch of legacy upstream and support for recording hasn't been ported to the new airtime analyzer ingest system. #42 currently tracks the progress being made on line in recording.

    Playout wont work if locale is missing

    👀 Some minimal OS installs do not have a default locale configured. This only seems to affect some VPS installs as they often do not have a locale setup in the default images provided.

    📚 You can set up the locale using a combination of the following command. You might also want to consult the documentation of your VPS provider as it may contain an official way to set up locales when provisioning a VPS.

    # Set locale using systemds localectllocalectl set-locale LANG="en\_US.utf8"

    ⚡️ these instructions do not seem to work on all Debian based distros so you might need to use update-locale as follows.

    #Purge all locales but en_US.UTF-8
    sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8
    #Populate LANGUAGE=
    sudo update-locale LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"


    👀 It's been awesome to see that the interest in LibreTime isn't dying off.

    I recently did some cleaning up of the labels and milestones in the issue tracker and would like to ask everyone to help out with tagging issues and managing milestones.

    🆓 Currently the milestones only contain issues likely to be finished in the development window of the respective version. This includes things that already have a pull-request or issues with a high priority due to their sensible or blocking nature. Feel free to request new labels and unversioned milestones if you feel you can use them.

    🚀 That's all for these release notes. I'd also like to note that I plan on doing releases more often. They will be smaller but there will be less changes per release.