Markdown Edit alternatives and similar software solutions
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DISCONTINUED. Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep -
Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote. -
Standard Notes
DISCONTINUED. An end-to-end encrypted notes app for digitalists and professionals. [Moved to:] -
OpenNote was built to be an open web-based alternative to Microsoft OneNote (T) and EverNote. -
DocPHT π
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Nutrient - The #1 PDF SDK Library

* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Markdown Edit or a related project?
Markdown Edit
This is a online markdown editor/viewer. This help you to edit markdown document with the power of web technology.
Quick Start
Try on Demo page. Or Install on your local PC. Check Guide to how to install.
Part of Editor is depend on CodeMirror.It enabeles
- Display line number.
- Match Brackets in the document.
- Visible
key - Highlight syntax of markdown.
- Drag and Drop file read.
- Switchable theme.
For more option, see programming API of CodeMirror, and Hack Markdown Edit
To Convert markdown to html, Markdown-Edit Use Github's API as default.
The raw API is not JSON-based. It takes a Markdown document as plaintext text/plain
or text/x-markdown
and renders it as plain Markdown without a repository context (just like a file is rendered β this is the simplest way to preview a readme online).
For more infomation, See official Guide
NOTICE : GitHub API v3 is limited 5000requests per hour.
Option: Use marked as conveter.
If you checked radio Use marked for conveter
markdown-edit use marked
and highlight.js instad of Github's API.
It is faster than API call and make you enable to use this app at offline.
NOTICE : marked does not support anchor.
To display converted HTML like Github, Markdown-Edit apply github.css from highlight.js and github-style.css inspired by gollum.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/highlightjs/styles/github.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/github-style.css">
If you want to see raw html what Github's API responsed, click Raw .html
button on navbar.
Getting Started
Install On your local PC
Download Sources
use git
git clone
Or download from Here
Download dependencies
use bower
bower install
Deploy to some web server
To avoid ajax error yous should deploy whole files to some web server.
If you are using mac,
ln -s /path/to/markdown-edit ~/Sites/markdown-edit
Then access http://localhost/~usernamehere/markdown-edit
If you have installed python,this way is very easy.
cd /path/to/markdown-edit
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4567
Then access http://localhost:4567
NOTICE :Google Chrome upper v22.0 is most desirable browser.
Read local file
Only text file is enable to read.
Save to local
This feature is not implemented yet. So view file in Raw, and copy it to clipboard,then past it to your file by your self.
Auto Reload
If you checked Auto Reload.Document will convert into html per 5second if it was changed.
shortcut keys
If you checked Enable Shortcut Key.These shortcut will be enable.
- Exec convert
Mac :
β + e
Win :ctrl + e
- Browse local file
Mac :
β + o
Win :ctrl + o
- Read local file
Mac :
β + r
Win :ctrl + r
- View Raw .md file
Mac :
β + m
Win :ctrl + m
- View Raw .html file
Mac :
β + h
Win :ctrl + h
- View html in other window
Mac :
β + alt + h
Win :ctrl + alt + h
If your are using chrome,
- Enter Full Screen Mode
Mac :
β + shift + f
Win :F11
Markdown Syntax
This app is based on github-flavored-markdown If you're not already familiar with Markdown, you should spend 15 minutes and go over the excellent Markdown Syntax Guide at Daring Fireball.
You can use markdown syntax and also pure html like this.
ID |Name|Rank
1 |Tom Preston-Werner |Awesome
2 |Albert Einstein |Nearly as awesome
ID | Name | Rank |
1 | Tom Preston-Werner | Awesome |
2 | Albert Einstein | Nearly as awesome |
<td>1</td><td>Tom Preston-Werner</td><td>Awesome</td>
<td>2</td><td>Albert Einstein</td><td>Nearly as awesome</td>
also become
IDNameRank 1Tom Preston-WernerAwesome 2Albert EinsteinNearly as awesome
Special Thanks
- CodeMirror.
- Github for API and style.
- marked.
- highlight.js.
- Twitter Bootstrap with Font Awesome.
- jQuery.
- HTML5 ROCKS for usage of BLOB.
- balupton.
Source code can be found on github, licenced under MIT.
Developed by Takeharu.Oshida
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Markdown Edit README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.