Microweber v1.0.4-fixed Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-08-04 // over 8 years ago
  • 🛠 [1.0.4-fixed] - 2015-08-06

    ⚡️ Vendor: updated guzzle to 5.0
    🛠 Fix: social login bug during outdated socilaite
    🛠 Fix: checkout bug caused by the SQL refactoring in 1.0.4

    [1.0.4] - 2015-08-04

    Vendor: added Laravel HTML helper class
    ⚡️ Vendor: updated jquery ui
    ➕ Added: template manager class
    ➕ Added: XSS filter class
    ➕ Added: artisan microwber:update command
    🛠 Fix: security fix in uploader
    🛠 Fix: security fix user creation
    🛠 Fix: editing menus bug
    🛠 Fix: delete abandoned cart
    🛠 Fix: query pagination was skipping pages
    🛠 Fix: menu title was outputting html tags
    🛠 Fix: menu module bug when editing
    🛠 Fix: add to cart with quantity parameter
    🛠 Fix: cache now uses locale prefix
    🛠 Fix: updated raw SQL queries to use Eloquent
    🛠 Fix: redirect bug when using redirect from template
    🛠 Fix: UI in forms module in admin
    🛠 Fix: captcha validation when there are multiple catchas on one page
    🛠 Fix: module id was random when using module inside module
    🛠 Fix: other small bugs