Pepperminty Wiki v0.22-dev Release Notes

  • โž• Added

    • [Module Api] Add new search::invindex_term_getpageids, and search::invindex_term_getoffsets, and search::index_sort_freq methods
    • Added new syntax features to PeppermintParsedown, inspired by ParsedownExtreme (which we couldn't get to work, and it wasn't working before as far as I can tell)
      • Checkboxes: [ ] and [x] after a bullet point or at the start of a line
      • Marked / highlighted text: Some text ==marked text== more text
      • Spoiler text: Some text >!spoiler!< more text or Some text ||spoiler|| more text
      • Superscript: Some text^superscript^ more text
      • Subscript: Some text~subscript~ more text
    • Added automatic table of contents! (#155)
      • Put [__TOC__] on a line by itself to insert an automatic table of contents
      • Note that the level of heading generated can be controlled (or even removed) by the new parser_toc_heading_level setting
    • Add <meta name="theme-color" content="value" /> support with the new theme_colour setting. More information: MDN, caniuse. Also used by some platforms to customise embed accents when generating a rich snippet (e.g. Discord).
    • Added reading time estimate to the top of wiki pages - control it with the new readingtime_enabled setting (#172)
      • The algorithm used to estimate reading times is the as the one used in Firefox's reader mode
    • Added similar page suggestions between the bottom of the page content and the comments - control it with the new similarpages_enabled and similarpages_count settings.

    ๐Ÿ”„ Changed

    • Fiddled with Parsedown & ParsedownExtra versions
    • Removed ParsedownExtreme, as it wasn't doing anything useful anyway
      • Don't worry, we've absorbed all the useful features (see above)
      • NOTE TO SELF: Don't forget to update when we next make a stable release!

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • Squashed a warning when using the fenced code block syntax
    • If a redirect page sends you to create a page that doesn't exist, a link back to the redirect page itself is now displayed
    • Really fix bots getting into infinite loops on the login page this time by marking all login pages as noindex, nofollow with a robots <meta /> tag