
Programming language: Python
License: MIT License
Tags: File Sharing and Synchronization     Distributed filesystems     Single-click/drag-n-drop upload     Coquelicot    

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Minimalist Self-hosted Image Service for user submitted images in your app (e.g. avatars).


  • One simple API endpoint for uploading images
  • Automatic Conversion to an image format of your choice
  • Automatic resizing to any size of your liking
  • Built-in Rate limiting
  • Built-in Allowed Origin whitelisting
  • Liveness API


Uploading an image:

> curl -F 'file=@/some/file.jpg' http://some.host

Uploading an image by URL:

 curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": "<SOME_URL>"}'  http://some.host

Fetching a file in a specific size(e.g. 320x240):


returns the image cropped to the desired size


imgpush requires docker

docker run -v <PATH TO STORE IMAGES>:/images -p 5000:5000 hauxir/imgpush:latest


This is fully optional and is only needed if you want to run imgpush in Kubernetes.

If you want to deploy imgpush in Kubernetes, there is an example deployment available in the Kubernetes directory. In case you do not have a running Kubernetes cluster yet, you can use Minikube to setup a local single-node Kubernetes cluster. Otherwise you can just use your existing cluster.

  1. Verify that your cluster works:

    $ kubectl get pods
    # Should return without an error, maybe prints information about some deployed pods.
  2. Apply the kubernetes/deployment-example.yaml file:

    $ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment-example.yaml
    namespace/imgpush created
    deployment.apps/imgpush created
    persistentvolumeclaim/imgpush created
    service/imgpush created
  3. It will take a moment while your Kubernetes downloads the current imgpush image.

  4. Verify that the deployment was successful:

    $ kubectl -n imgpush get deployments.
    imgpush   1/1     1            1           3m41s

$ kubectl -n imgpush get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE imgpush ClusterIP 5000/TCP 3m57s

5. When the deployment is finished, the READY column should be `1/1`.
6. Afterwards you can forward the port to your local machine and upload an image via your webbrowser (visit

$ kubectl -n imgpush port-forward service/imgpush 5000 Forwarding from -> 5000 Handling connection for 5000 Handling connection for 5000 Handling connection for 5000 Handling connection for 5000

7. To expose imgpush to the internet you need to configure an [Ingress](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/). The exact configuration depends on you cluster but you can find an example in the `kubernetes/deployment-example.yaml` file that you can adapt to your setup.

### Liveness

imgpush provides the `/liveness` endpoint that always returns `200 OK` that you can use for docker Healthcheck and kubernetes liveness probe. 

For Docker, as `curl` is install in the image : 

    start_period: 0s
    test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'curl localhost:5000/liveness -s -f -o /dev/null || exit 1']
    interval: 30s

For Kubernetes

    path: /liveness
    port: 5000            
    initialDelaySeconds: 5
    periodSeconds: 30


Setting Default value Description
OUTPUT_TYPE Same as Input file An image type supported by imagemagick, e.g. png or jpg
MAX_SIZE_MB "16" Integer, Max size per uploaded file in megabytes
MAX_UPLOADS_PER_DAY "1000" Integer, max per IP address
MAX_UPLOADS_PER_HOUR "100" Integer, max per IP address
MAX_UPLOADS_PER_MINUTE "20" Integer, max per IP address
ALLOWED_ORIGINS "['*']" array of domains, e.g ['https://a.com']
VALID_SIZES Any size array of integers allowed in the h= and w= parameters, e.g "[100,200,300]". You should set this to protect against being bombarded with requests!
NAME_STRATEGY "randomstr" randomstr for random 5 chars, uuidv4 for UUIDv4
NUDE_FILTER_MAX_THRESHOLD None max unsafe value returned from nudenet library(https://github.com/notAI-tech/NudeNet), range is from 0-0.99. Blocks nudity from being uploaded.

Setting configuration variables is all set through env variables that get passed to the docker container.


docker run -e ALLOWED_ORIGINS="['https://a.com', 'https://b.com']" -s -v <PATH TO STORE IMAGES>:/images -p 5000:5000 hauxir/imgpush:latest

or to quickly deploy it locally, run

docker-compose up -d