
Code Quality Rank: L3
Monthly Downloads: 6,096
Programming language: Vue
License: MIT License
Tags: Framework     Laravel     Lumen    

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License: MIT Azure Static Web Apps Azure Web App Docker

Copyright (c) 2021 Piethein Strengholt, [email protected]

RSSMonster is an easy to use web-based RSS aggregator, created as an alternative for Google Reader. RSSMonster features a lightweight fluid responsive design. The font-end has been written in JavaScript (VueJS) and the back-end in Express (NodeJS). It also uses the Twitter Bootstrap framework. Several features are implemented such as progressive web app support, marking as read when scrolling, hotlinks, drag and drop style for managing your feeds, dark mode, and more! RSSMonster is compatible with the Fever API. Feel free to add any contributions or new features.



  • NodeJS 14.x or higher
  • Git
  • A Mysql installation (other databases will as well with some configuration)

How to get everything installed

  • Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/pietheinstrengholt/rssmonster.git .
  • Run npm install in both the client and server folder
  • Find the .env.example file in the root of both the client and server folder. Copy and rename the files to .env
  • Edit .env inside the server folder and enter your Mysql or Database server login data (at least fill DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD).
  • Edit .env inside the client folder. Change the VUE_APP_HOSTNAME so it points to the back-end.
  • Run ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate && ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:all in side the server folder. this will add all needed database tables and content to your mysql database. Alternatively you can also uncomment the //force: true in the app.js inside the server folder to create the schema structure.
  • Optional: Add a cronjob to crawl http://localhost/api/crawl every 5 minutes.


If you would like to run RSSMonster in development mode I recommend to run:

  • Inside the client folder: npm run serve.
  • Inside the server folder: npm run debug.


If you would like to run RSSMonster in production mode I recommend to run:

  • Update the VUE_APP_HOSTNAME inside the file client/.env. Most likely you want to remove port 3000 and point to the url where the backend will be running.
  • Inside the client folder build all the static files with: npm run build.
  • Move the dist output folder created inside the client folder to the server folder. The NodeJS server is also capable of serving out static content.
  • Inside the server folder: npm run start.

Docker for development

  • Run the following command to build all the images: docker-compose build
  • Run the following command to start the containers: docker-compose up
  • The client will be running on port 8080 and communication with the backend takes place via 3000. Make sure these ports aren't being used. The mysql database is accessible via port 3307.

Docker for production

The production version has the server and client combined into a single container. The VueJS is also compiled into an optimized version. To build this single image, run the following command: docker build -t rssmonster . Lastly you need to run the docker container. You need to provide the correct environment variables for the database server to connect to. Here's is an example: docker run -d -t -i -e NODE_ENV=production -e DB_HOSTNAME=localhost -e DB_DATABASE=rssmonster -e DB_USERNAME=rssmonser -e DB_PASSWORD=password -p 3000:3000 rssmonster

AWS Beanstalk

  • Setup your AWS Security credentials: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-sec-cred-types.html
  • Download and install the Beanstalk CLI: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/eb-cli3.html
  • Run the following command: eb init
  • Select your region and use the aws-access-id & aws-secret-key from step 1.
  • Provision a new environment: eb create rssmonster-app --envvars "NODE_ENV=production" --database --database.engine mysql --database.username rssmonster --database.password "fvX2Ht8jXxXEYlZ6"
  • SSH into the new environment: eb ssh rssmonster-app
  • Migrate the database content: /app/server/node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate && /app/server/node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:all

Reeder (iOS) integration support (via Fever API)

RSSMonster is compatible with the Fever API. Apps like Reeder (iOS) will support this. To use the Reeder API (http://feedafever.com/api), point to the following url:


Any username and password will work.

[Screenshot Fever](client/src/assets/screenshots/fever.png)


The following scripts and plug-ins are used within RSSMonster

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the RSS Monster README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.