Saleor v3.5.1 Release Notes

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix inconsistent beat scheduling and compatibility with db scheduler - #10185 by @NyanKiyoshi This fixes the following bugs:

      • tick() could decide to never schedule anything else than send-sale-toggle-notifications if send-sale-toggle-notifications doesn't return is_due = False (stuck forever until beat restart or a is_due = True)
      • tick() was sometimes scheduling other schedulers such as observability to be ran every 5m instead of every 20s
      • is_due() from send-sale-toggle-notifications was being invoked every 5s on django-celery-beat instead of every 60s
      • send-sale-toggle-notifications would crash on django-celery-beat with Cannot convert schedule type <saleor.core.schedules.sale_webhook_schedule object at 0x7fabfdaacb20> to model


    • Database backend: celery --app saleor.celeryconf:app beat --scheduler saleor.schedulers.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler
    • Shelve backend: celery --app saleor.celeryconf:app beat --scheduler saleor.schedulers.schedulers.PersistentScheduler

      • ๐Ÿ›  Fix problem with updating draft order with active avalara - #10183 by @IKarbowiak
      • ๐Ÿ›  Fix stock validation and allocation for order with local collection point - #10218 by @IKarbowiak
      • ๐Ÿ›  Fix stock allocation for order with global collection point - #10225 by @IKarbowiak