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Changelog History
Page 6

  • v3.27.3 Changes

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Pushing batch changes to Bitbucket Server code hosts over SSH was broken in 3.27.0, and has been fixed. #20324
  • v3.27.2 Changes

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Fixed an issue with our release tooling that was preventing all images from being tagged with the correct version. All sourcegraph images have the proper release version now.
  • v3.27.1 Changes

    🛠 Fixed

    • 0️⃣ Indexed search failed when the master branch needed indexing but was not the default. #20260
    • 🛠 Fixed a regression that caused "other" code hosts urls to not be built correctly which prevents code to be cloned / updated in 3.27.0. This change will provoke some cloning errors on repositories that are already sync'ed, until the next code host sync. #20258
  • v3.27.0 Changes

    ➕ Added

    • 👍 count: now supports "all" as value. Queries with count:all will return up to 999999 results. #19756
    • Credentials for Batch Changes are now validated when adding them. #19602
    • Batch Changes now ignore repositories that contain a .batchignore file. #19877 and src-cli#509
    • Side-by-side diff for commit visualization. #19553
    • 🏁 The site configuration now supports defining batch change rollout windows, which can be used to slow or disable pushing changesets at particular times of day or days of the week. #19796, #19797, and #19951.
    • Search functionality via built-in contains predicate: repo:contains(...), repo:contains.file(...), repo:contains.content(...), repo:contains.commit.after(...)`. #18584
    • 👀 Database encryption, external service config & user auth data can now be encrypted in the database using the encryption.keys config. See the docs for more info.
    • ⚡️ Repositories that gitserver fails to clone or fetch are now gradually moved to the back of the background update queue instead of remaining at the front. #20204
    • 📇 The new disableAutoCodeHostSyncs setting allows site admins to disable any periodic background syncing of configured code host connections. That includes syncing of repository metadata (i.e. not git updates, use disableAutoGitUpdates for that), permissions and batch changes changesets, but may include other data we'd sync from the code host API in the future.

    🔄 Changed

    • 📚 Bumped the minimum supported version of Postgres from 9.6 to 12. The upgrade procedure is mostly automated for existing deployments, but may require action if using the single-container deployment or an external database. See the upgrade documentation for your deployment type for detailed instructions.
    • 🔄 Changesets in batch changes will now be marked as archived instead of being detached when a new batch spec that doesn't include the changesets is applied. Once they're archived users can manually detach them in the UI. #19527
    • 0️⃣ The default replica count on sourcegraph-frontend and precise-code-intel-worker for Kubernetes has changed from 1 -> 2.
    • 🔄 Changes to code monitor trigger search queries #19680
      • A repo: filter is now required. This is due to an existing limitations where only 50 repositories can be searched at a time, so using a repo: filter makes sure the right code is being searched. Any existing code monitor without repo: in the trigger query will continue to work (with the limitation that not all repositories will be searched) but will require a repo: filter to be added when making any changes to it.
      • A patternType filter is no longer required. patternType:literal will be added to a code monitor query if not specified.
      • Added a new checklist UI to make it more intuitive to create code monitor trigger queries.
    • 🚀 Deprecated the GraphQL icon field on GenericSearchResultInterface. It will be removed in a future release. #20028
    • 🔧 Creating changesets through Batch Changes as a site-admin without configured Batch Changes credentials has been deprecated. Please configure user or global credentials before Sourcegraph 3.29 to not experience any interruptions in changeset creation. #20143
    • 🚀 Deprecated the GraphQL limitHit field on LineMatch. It will be removed in a future release. #20164

    🛠 Fixed

    • A regression caused by search onboarding tour logic to never focus input in the search bar on the homepage. Input now focuses on the homepage if the search tour isn't in effect. #19678
    • 🆕 New changes of a Perforce depot will now be reflected in master branch after the initial clone. #19718
    • 🔧 Gitolite and Other type code host connection configuration can be correctly displayed. #19976
    • 🛠 Fixed a regression that caused user and code host limits to be ignored. #20089
    • A regression where incorrect query highlighting happens for certain quoted values. #20110
    • ⚡️ We now respect the disableAutoGitUpdates setting when cloning or fetching repos on demand and during cleanup tasks that may re-clone old repos. #20194
  • v3.26.3 Changes

    🛠 Fixed

    • Setting gitMaxCodehostRequestsPerSecond to 0 now actually blocks all Git operations happening on the gitserver. #19716
  • v3.26.2 Changes

    🛠 Fixed

    • Our indexed search logic now correctly handles de-duplication of search results across multiple replicas. #19743
  • v3.26.1 Changes

    ➕ Added

    • 👀 Experimental: Sync permissions of Perforce depots through the Sourcegraph UI. To enable, use the feature flag "experimentalFeatures": { "perforce": "enabled" }. For more information, see how to enable permissions for your Perforce depots. #16705
    • ➕ Added support for user email headers in the HTTP auth proxy. See HTTP Auth Proxy docs for more information.
    • Ignore locked and disabled GitHub Enterprise repositories. #19500
    • 👯 Remote code host git operations (such as clone or ls-remote) can now be rate limited beyond concurrency (which was already possible with gitMaxConcurrentClones). Set gitMaxCodehostRequestsPerSecond in site config to control the maximum rate of these operations per git-server instance. #19504

    🔄 Changed


    🛠 Fixed

    • Commit search returning duplicate commits. #19460
    • Clicking the Code Monitoring tab tries to take users to a non-existent repo. #19525
    • Diff and commit search not highlighting search terms correctly for some files. #19543, #19639
    • File actions weren't appearing on large window sizes in Firefox and Safari. #19380

    ✂ Removed


  • v3.26.0 Changes

    ➕ Added

    • 0️⃣ Searches are streamed into Sourcegraph by default. #19300
      • This gives a faster time to first result.
      • Several heuristics around result limits have been improved. You should see more consistent result counts now.
      • Can be disabled with the setting experimentalFeatures.streamingSearch.
    • Opsgenie API keys can now be added via an environment variable. #18662
    • It's now possible to control where code insights are displayed through the boolean settings insights.displayLocation.homepage, insights.displayLocation.insightsPage and #18979
    • 👯 Users can now create changesets in batch changes on repositories that are cloned using SSH. #16888
    • 🚚 Syntax highlighting for Elixir, Elm, REG, Julia, Move, Nix, Puppet, VimL, Coq. #19282
    • 🏗 files are now highlighted as Bazel/Starlark build files. Thanks to @jjwon0 #19282
    • *.pyst and *.pyst-include are now highlighted as Python files. Thanks to @jjwon0 #19282
    • 0️⃣ The code monitoring feature flag is now enabled by default. #19295
    • 🆕 New query field select enables returning only results of the desired type. See documentation for details. #19236
    • 🚚 Syntax highlighting for Elixer, Elm, REG, Julia, Move, Nix, Puppet, VimL thanks to @rvantonder
    • 🏗 files are now highlighted as Bazel/Starlark build files. Thanks to @jjwon0
    • *.pyst and *.pyst-include are now highlighted as Python files. Thanks to @jjwon0
    • ➕ Added a search.defaultCaseSensitive setting to configure whether query patterns should be treated case sensitivitely by default.

    🔄 Changed

    • 👀 Campaigns have been renamed to Batch Changes! See #18771 for a detailed log on what has been renamed.
      • A new Sourcegraph CLI version will use src batch [preview|apply] commands, while keeping the old ones working to be used with older Sourcegraph versions.
      • Old URLs in the application and in the documentation will redirect.
      • GraphQL API entities with "campaign" in their name have been deprecated and have new Batch Changes counterparts:
      • Deprecated GraphQL entities: CampaignState, Campaign, CampaignSpec, CampaignConnection, CampaignsCodeHostConnection, CampaignsCodeHost, CampaignsCredential, CampaignDescription
      • Deprecated GraphQL mutations: createCampaign, applyCampaign, moveCampaign, closeCampaign, deleteCampaign, createCampaignSpec, createCampaignsCredential, deleteCampaignsCredential
      • Deprecated GraphQL queries: Org.campaigns, User.campaigns, User.campaignsCodeHosts, camapigns, campaign
      • Site settings with campaigns in their name have been replaced with equivalent batchChanges settings.
    • ⚡️ A repository's remote.origin.url is not stored on gitserver disk anymore. Note: if you use the experimental feature customGitFetch your setting may need to be updated to specify the remote URL. #18535
    • Repositories and files containing spaces will now render with escaped spaces in the query bar rather than being quoted. #18642
    • Sourcegraph is now built with Go 1.16. #18447
    • Cursor hover information in the search query bar will now display after 150ms (previously 0ms). #18916
    • 👯 The repo.cloned column is deprecated in favour of gitserver_repos.clone_status. It will be removed in a subsequent release.
    • Precision class indicators have been improved for code intelligence results in both the hover overlay as well as the definition and references locations panel. #18843
    • Pings now contain added, aggregated campaigns usage data: aggregate counts of unique monthly users and Weekly campaign and changesets counts for campaign cohorts created in the last 12 months. #18604

    🛠 Fixed

    • Auto complete suggestions for repositories and files containing spaces will now be automatically escaped when accepting the suggestion. #18635
    • An issue causing repository results containing spaces to not be clickable in some cases. #18668
    • Closing a batch change now correctly closes the entailed changesets, when requested by the user. #18957
    • TypesScript highlighting bug. #15930
    • The number of shards is now reported accurately in Site Admin > Repository Status > Settings > Indexing. #19265

    ✂ Removed

    • ✂ Removed the deprecated GraphQL fields SearchResults.repositoriesSearched and SearchResults.indexedRepositoriesSearched.
    • ✂ Removed the deprecated search field max
    • ✂ Removed the experimentalFeatures.showBadgeAttachments setting
  • v3.25.2 Changes

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🔒 A security vulnerability with in the authentication workflow has been fixed. #18686
  • v3.25.1 Changes

    ➕ Added

    • 👀 Experimental: Sync Perforce depots directly through the Sourcegraph UI. To enable, use the feature flag "experimentalFeatures": { "perforce": "enabled" }. For more information, see how to add your Perforce depots. #16703