Syncthing v1.11.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-11-03 // over 3 years ago
  • 🚀 This release adds the sendFullIndexOnUpgrade option to control whether
    ⬆️ all index data is resent when an upgrade is detected, equivalent to
    🔀 starting Syncthing with --reset-deltas. This
    ⬆️ (sendFullIndexOnUpgrade=true) used to be the behavior in previous
    🔖 versions, but is mainly useful as a troubleshooting step and causes high
    0️⃣ database churn. The new default is false.

    🛠 Bugfixes:

    • 🚀 #6994: "panic: filling Blocks: leveldb: snapshot released" on folder save
    • 🔀 #7002: "Syncing (NaN%, 0 B)" when syncing 0-byte files
    • 🔀 #7008: Filenames containing dots lead to a "The system cannot find the file specified" sync error
    • 🏗 #7021: Tests fail when building the Alpine pkg on aarch64
    • 🔀 #7034: Folders getting stuck in "Syncing" after a20c6ca after doing changes when folders are paused
    • 🔀 #7035: Devices Announcing LAN addresses even with AnnounceLANAddresses set to off/false
    • 🔀 #7036: Shutting Syncthing down while pushing files to multiple devices corrupts the database?

    ✨ Enhancements:

    • ⬆️ #6982: Disable full index transmission on upgrade
    • 🔀 #7020: Do not disconnect when changing folder settings
    • 🔀 #7028: Detect and optionally report non-fatal failures