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564 days ago

Changelog History
Page 28

  • v2.14.1 Changes

    January 11, 2017

    โœ… All tests passing.

    • ๐Ÿ‘ฏ The apos.utils.clonePermanent method no longer turns objects into long arrays of nulls if they happen to have a length property. lodash uses the length property as an indicator that the object should be treated as an array, but this would be an unrealistic restriction on Apostrophe schema field names. Instead, clonePermanent now uses Array.isArray to distinguish true arrays. This fixes a nasty bug when importing content from A1.5 and subsequently editing it.

    • ๐Ÿ’ป When a user is logged in there is an apos.user object on the browser side. Due to a bug this was an empty object. It now contains title, _id and username properties as intended.

  • v2.14.0 Changes

    January 06, 2017

    โœ… All tests passing.

    • ๐Ÿš‘ A version rollback dialog box for the global doc is now opened if an element with the data-apos-versions-global attribute is clicked. There is currently no such element in the standard UI but you may introduce one in your own layout if you have mission-critical content in the global doc that is awkward to recreate after an accidental deletion, such as a custom sitewide nav.
    • An error message is correctly displayed when login fails.
    • ๐Ÿ’ป Many UI messages are now passed through the __() internationalization helper correctly. Thanks to timaebi.
  • v2.13.2 Changes

    December 22, 2016

    โœ… All tests passing.

    The data-apos-ajax-context feature had a bug which prevented ordinary anchor links from performing AJAX refreshes correctly.

  • v2.13.1 Changes

    December 22, 2016

    โœ… All tests passing.

    ๐Ÿ’ป The apostrophe-attachments module now calls apos.ui.busy correctly on the fieldset so that the busy and completed indicators are correctly shown and hidden. Previously the string 0 was passed, which is not falsy.

  • v2.12.0 Changes

    December 15, 2016

    โœ… All tests passing.

    • ๐Ÿ”ง Developers are no longer required to set instantiate: false in app.js when configuring an npm module that uses the improve property to implicitly subclass and enhance a different module. In addition, bugs were fixed in the underlying moog-require module to ensure that assets can be loaded from the public and views folders of modules that use improve.
    • string has replaced csv as the property name of the schema field converters that handle plaintext. Backwards compatibility has been implemented so that existing csv converters will work transparently and calls to convert with csv as the from argument still work as well. In all new custom field types you should say string rather than csv. There is no change in the functionality or implementation other than the name.
  • v2.11.0 Changes

    December 09, 2016

    โœ… All tests passing.

    ๐Ÿ“œ You can now add middleware to your Apostrophe site via any module in your project. Just add an self.expressMiddleware method to your module, which takes the usual req, res, next arguments. Or, if it's more convenient, set self.expressMiddleware to an array of such functions. "Module middleware" is added immediately after the minimum required Apostrophe middleware (bodyParser,, etc), and before any routes.

  • v2.10.3 Changes

    December 08, 2016

    โœ… All tests passing.

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed bug in autoPreserveText feature of our data-apos-ajax-context mechanism; also, restricted it to text inputs and textareas that actually have the focus so that you can replace their values normally at other times

  • v2.10.2 Changes

    December 06, 2016

    โœ… All tests passing.

    ๐ŸŒฒ A very minor fix, but 2.10.1 had a very noisy console.log statement left in.

  • v2.10.1 Changes

    December 06, 2016

    โœ… All tests passing.

    • 0๏ธโƒฃ The built-in cursor filters for float and integer no longer incorrectly default to filtering for docs with the value 0 if the value being filtered for is undefined or null. They default to not filtering at all, which is correct.
  • v2.10.0 Changes

    December 06, 2016

    โœ… All tests passing.

    • ๐Ÿ’ป Apostrophe now automatically recompiles modified Nunjucks templates. This means you can hit refresh in your browser after hitting save in your editor when working on .html files. Also note that this has always worked for .less files.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed a longstanding bug in joinByArrayReverse, which now works properly.