Pump.io alternatives and similar software solutions
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DISCONTINUED. Social networking and news website where registered community members can submit content. -
Vanilla Forums
Vanilla is a powerfully simple discussion forum you can easily customize to make as unique as your community.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
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This is pump.io. It's a stream server that does most of what people really want from a social network.
What's it for?
I post something and my followers see it. That's the rough idea behind the pump.
There's an API defined in the API.md file. It uses activitystrea.ms JSON as the main data and command format.
You can post almost anything that can be represented with activity streams -- short or long text, bookmarks, images, video, audio, events, geo checkins. You can follow friends, create lists of people, and so on.
The software is useful for at least these scenarios:
- Activity stream functionality for an existing app
- Experimenting with social software
It also comes with a web UI.
For information about project policies please check out the GitHub wiki, and for technical documentation see our ReadTheDocs website.
If you find bugs, you can report them here:
This software includes the following great packages of client-side software.
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Backbone
- JQuery
- Fine Uploader
- WysiHTML5
- Spin.js
- SockJS
- Select2
- JQuery Easydate
- OAuth.js
It also uses these icon sets:
- Fancy Avatars, © 2009 Brandon Mathis, http://brandonmathis.com/projects/fancy-avatars/ (CC-By)
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy, http://fontawesome.io/ (SIL Open Font License 1.1)
This sample photo is used for the main page:
Copyright 2011-2018, E14N https://e14n.com/ and contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Pump.io README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.