
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: Software Development     FaaS/Serverless    
Latest version: v0.3.6

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Lightweight self-hosted lambda/applications/cgi/serverless-functions engine.

see docs


  • No specific requirements: just one binary. Working "as-is"
  • One-click new lambda with public link and handler. Available immediately.
  • Rich API
  • Security: user switch, IP restrictions, Origin restrictions, tokens ....
  • Time limits
  • Permanent links (aliases)
  • Actions - independent instruction that could be run via UI/API on server
  • Scheduler: run actions in cron-tab like style
  • Queues and retries
  • ... etc - see docs


There is minimal version of trusted-cgi: nano-run. Check it out - it DevOps friendly with configuration-first approach (ie easier to use for infrastructure-as-a-code).


Since 0.3.3 Linux, Darwin and even Windows OS supported: pre-built binaries could be found in releases


  • for production for debian servers - use bintray repository github release (recommend)
  • locally or non-debian server - download binary and run
  • for quick tests or for limited production - use docker image (docker run --rm -p 3434:3434 reddec/trusted-cgi)

See installation manual


The process flow is quite straightforward: one light daemon in background listens for requests and launches scripts/apps on demand. An executable shall read standard input (stdin) for request data and write a response to standard output (stdout).

Technically any script/application that can parse STDIN and write something to STDOUT should be capable of the execution.

Trusted-cgi designed keeping in mind that input and output data is quite small and contains structured data (json/xml), however, there are no restrictions on the platform itself.

Key differences with classic CGI:

  • Only request body is being piped to scripts input (CGI pipes everything, and application has to parse it by itself - it could be very not trivial and slow (it depends))
  • Request headers, form fields, and query params are pre-parsed by the platform and can be passed as an environment variable (see mapping)
  • Response headers are pre-defined in manifest

Due to changes, it's possible to make the simplest script with JSON input and output like this:

import sys
import json

request = json.load(sys.stdin) # read and parse request
response = ['hello', 'world']  # do some logic and make response
json.dump(response, sys.stdout)  # send it to client

Keep in mind, the platform also adds a growing number of new features - see features.

target audience

It's best (but not limited) for

  • for hobby projects
  • for experiments
  • for projects with a low number of requests: webhooks, scheduled processing, etc..
  • for a project working on low-end machines: raspberry pi, cheapest VPS, etc..

However, if your projects have overgrown the platform limitations, it should be quite easy to migrate to any other solutions, because most low-level details are hidden and could be replaced in a few days (basically - just wrap script to HTTP service)

Also, it is possible to scale the platform performance by just launching the same instances of the platform with a shared file system (or docker images) with a balancer in front of it.


The platform is quite simple Golang project with Vue + Quasar frontend and should be easy for newcomers. Caveats and tips for backend check here

For UI check sub-repo

Any PR (docs, code, styles, features, ...) will be very helpful!

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Trusted-CGI README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.