Apostrophe 2 v2.56.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-05-17 // almost 6 years ago
  • โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Functional tests passing.

    • ๐Ÿ”’ Security: numerous issues formerly flagged by the new npm audit command have been addressed. We are now using a maintained branch of lodash 3.x to keep bc while addressing security (many thanks to the Sails team). We are also using LESS 3.x, which has caused no issues in our testing and corrects security concerns with LESS 2.x. Numerous npm audit security reports regarding imagemin modules were addressed by removing imagemin from uploadfs itself, however you may opt into it via the new postprocessors option of uploadfs. As of this writing, one npm audit complaint remains: the azure-storage module needs to update a dependency to address a possible vulnerability. You may mitigate this issue by not using the azure backend of uploadfs with Apostrophe until it is resolved upstream.
    • ๐Ÿ’ป Many UI enhancements when choosing, browsing and managing items which reduce user confusion. For instance: moving items up and down in a selection no longer refreshes the entire list and forces the user to scroll down again. Trashed pages are easier to distinguish in "reorganize." "More" dropdown for pieces is again fully visible when clicked. Placeholder helpers make the search field for joins easier to understand. Chevrons added to various select elements which were difficult to identify as dropdowns before.
    • Deeply nested areas now save properly. Formerly in certain situations the same widget might be duplicated.
    • ๐Ÿ’… apos.tasks.getReq now supplies an empty req.data object for easier use with code expecting an Express request, Apostrophe-style.
    • Bedeviled by case-sensitive sorting? The sortify: true property for string schema fields is now documented and automatically creates a database migration to ensure it is available for your existing data as well. When used, this flag ensures that any sort('fieldname') call for that field in Apostrophe is case-insensitive, ignores punctuation and otherwise behaves as end users expect.