GeneWeb v6.06 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-10-24 // over 7 years ago
  • What’s new in version 6.06:

    • 🆕 New! You can try the new graphical interface of GeneWeb. It’s supposed to replace gwsetup at the end. Right now, it’s a beta version so everything is not finished yet. Feedback is welcome.
    • ➕ Add three new warnings: ChangedOrderOfMarriages, CloseSiblings and ParentTooOld. Activate the warning YoungForMarriage.
    • ⚡️ Change totally the way to notify and record the changes of a base. There is now only one variable in your gwf file (notify_change) so you should update your script if you were using notify_delete and notify_key. You should then test in your script notify_change the kind of action: “dp” – > delete person (see upthist.txt for the complete list of action). The order of the argument are: base wizard action [variable arguments]. In the variable arguments, you may have: – KEY old_key new_key; – VISIBLE key boolean. This modification should allow in a close future to be able to see what was exactly modified in a person/family (eg: birth place, marriage date…).
    • Add a “book of sources” and “book of occupations” just like the “book of places”. The three functions use the same variable in the .gwf file: max_nb_updates (you should then update your gwf files). This variable allows to set up the maximum number of updates that can be done at a single time. Plus, this page is available as a template. For those who changed the values in updind and updfam template for the fields place, source, occupation, beware to put the right value in the upddata template.
    • ➕ Add a field in the advanced request to search in the marriage information. This is just a small evolution, it is not meant to add other searching fields again and again.
    • ➕ Add the occupation in the edition of a family form. One can create a family and specify the occupation of the father/mother and the children. This is again a small evolution, it is not meant to add other fields again and again.
    • ➕ Add two new outputs: “liste-éclair” (tiny tafel) and “book of ascendants”.
    • 👍 “Better” display in the ascendants/descendants menu/list/tree and the relatives outputs. Add a few new options in the ascendants/descendants list/tree.
    • The way a date is displayed is now completely dependant of the “date order” in the language dictionary. For example, if your date order is dd/mm/yyyy, your date will be 01/02/1880. If instead it’s d/m/yyyy, it will be displayed as 1/2/1880. Format accepted now are:
      • dmyyyy
      • mmddyyyy
      • yyyymmdd or yymmdd
      • ddmmyyyy or ddmmyy
    • ➕ Add the evaluation functions of a date (year, month, day, prec) in the template (interpreted by
    • ⚡️ Display the history of updates in a table.
    • Other small things…
    • ⚡️ Update of template A, B, C, D, F, H (Dominique Deram).
    • ⚡️ Update of template M (Mickaël Rouesné).
    File Size MD5 hash
    🐧 gw-6.06-linux.tgz 4,95 Mo
    gw-6.06-osxlion.tgz 5,13 Mo 72bbb4e8a05bbbdea371943a30fd4161 5,11 Mo 361a0bc18b6cd1ec43fe4647735b33cb
    gw-6.06-snowleopard.tar.gz 4,34 Mo 542cfd804ef00675eeba1c8783c215ab
    gw-6.06-win.exe 6,55 Mo 1e27b5ac59b23d7de02422b0b272dc47