

Self-hosted photo and video backup solution directly from your mobile phone.

Loading ~4000 images/videos

Programming language: TypeScript
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Tags: Images     Image Hosting     Photo and Video Galleries     Internet     Photo     Gallery    

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Immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video backup solution


  • ⚠️ The project is under very active development.
  • ⚠️ Expect bugs and breaking changes.
  • ⚠️ Do not use the app as the only way to store your photos and videos!



You can find the main documentation, including installation guides, at https://immich.app/.


You can access the web demo at https://demo.immich.app

For the mobile app, you can use https://demo.immich.app/api for the Server Endpoint URL

```bash title="Demo Credential" The credential email: [email protected] password: demo

Spec: Free-tier Oracle VM - Amsterdam - 2.4Ghz quad-core ARM64 CPU, 24GB RAM

# Features

| Features                                    | Mobile  | Web |
| ------------------------------------------- | ------- | --- |
| Upload and view videos and photos           | Yes     | Yes |
| Auto backup when the app is opened          | Yes     | N/A |
| Selective album(s) for backup               | Yes     | N/A |
| Download photos and videos to local device  | Yes     | Yes |
| Multi-user support                          | Yes     | Yes |
| Album                                       | Yes     | Yes |
| Shared Albums                               | Yes     | Yes |
| Quick navigation with draggable scrollbar   | Yes     | Yes |
| Support RAW (HEIC, HEIF, DNG, Apple ProRaw) | Yes     | Yes |
| Metadata view (EXIF, map)                   | Yes     | Yes |
| Search by metadata, objects and image tags  | Yes     | No  |
| Administrative functions (user management)  | N/A     | Yes |
| Background backup                           | Android | N/A |
| Virtual scroll                              | N/A     | Yes |

# Support the project

I've committed to this project, and I will not stop. I will keep updating the docs, adding new features, and fixing bugs. But I can't do it alone. So I need your help to give me additional motivation to keep going.

As our hosts in the [selfhosted.show - In the episode 'The-organization-must-not-be-name is a Hostile Actor'](https://selfhosted.show/79?t=1418) said, this is a massive undertaking of what the team and I are doing. And I would love to someday be able to do this full-time, and I am asking for your help to make that happen.

If you feel like this is the right cause and the app is something you are seeing yourself using for a long time, please consider supporting the project with the option below.

## Donation

- [Monthly donation](https://github.com/sponsors/alextran1502) via GitHub Sponsors
- [One-time donation](https://github.com/sponsors/alextran1502?frequency=one-time&sponsor=alextran1502) via Github Sponsors

# Known Issues

## TensorFlow Build Issue

_This is a known issue for incorrect Proxmox setup_

TensorFlow doesn't run with older CPU architecture, it requires a CPU with AVX and AVX2 instruction set. If you encounter the error `illegal instruction core dump` when running the docker-compose command above, check for your CPU flags with the command and make sure you see `AVX` and `AVX2`:

more /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags

If you are running virtualization in Proxmox, the VM doesn't have the flag enabled.

You need to change the CPU type from kvm64 to host under VMs hardware tab.

Hardware > Processors > Edit > Advanced > Type (dropdown menu) > host

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Immich README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.